What is government? How should we relate to government? What was intended by the institution of government in our nation? How should we as Christians relate to the government? The divine government of God or the government of man, which do we ser
All Posts (2296)
The War to Destroy Christian America
A Jew and famed author is warning Christians are in danger.
He says they are targeted by secular leftists.
They want to destroy Ch
Martin Luther said, “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however bold
It is now time to make up your mind which kingdom you belong to. The redefinition of the American way of life is underway and in full swing now. In the last few weeks, I have come to understand what has been true since I met Christ at the age of 6.
New post on Mario Murillo Ministries
by mariomurilloministries
Things are fixing to get ugly, poor, violent, and devastating. Welcome to Joe Biden’s America. Because I voted for Donald Trump
I heard the Lord say, “I am coming with vengeance.”
It is not people that the Lord needs to have vengeance against. The Lord made it clear to me that he is bringing vengeance against the forces of darkness (see Ephesians 6:12). He will have vengeance
Picture this: The stage is set; the game is on! You are more than a mere spectator who is detached from the action and watching from the seeming safety of the grand-stands. You are standing on the field; in the readied position, opposite each other i
Unlocking the Prophetic: Lesson 39 - Coming To Terms With Greatness
I believe the challenge that the Lord has mandated to me for the final leg of my journey in life is found in James 4:8. This verse should serve as the filter through which everything in my life goes through. The context of the first 7 verses of that
by Mario Murillo Ministries
I was told to quit. The person who said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with millions o
We Need Guidance
By: Alan Smith
• John 16:13: But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
We are living in a day
Your life has been hewn (quarried, cut out of) the depths of His loving and matchless character. You are the mirror image of Jesus Christ! Your identity is a reflection of His identity! You are secured in Him with Father's loving arms enfolding you f
How is your spiritual vision? Did you know that through the “eyes” of the heart you/we can experience God-sight? This “spiritual sight” is illumined by faith and allows us to “know” that we are seated with Jesus in Father’s lap of love. Here we are a
How God Saved America 3 Times, 200 Years Ago – History Video!
Look at what God has done on behalf of America. This will encourage you to what He will do for us today.
Unlocking the Prophetic: Lesson 36 - Heaven and Earth - Part 2
The trouble our nation has seen over the past few months have many in the Church feeling almost numb, and asking the question, what do we do now? One of the hardest things we can ever deal with in our lives is feeling regret over wasted opportunitie
FlashPoint: Watch God Move! Michele Bachmann, Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo
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