Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
Revelation 1:20  The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.
Jun 21
Jeff Rowland posted blog posts
Jun 18
Jeff Rowland posted blog posts
Jun 17
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
Revelation 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
This is one of the greatest verses in the bible on the attitude of worship.  I’m amazed by…
Jun 14
Jeff Rowland posted blog posts
Jun 12
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
Alan and I have conversations on our podcast that trigger things in my spirit that bring me to a point of conviction and passion. I have been made to consider the belief structure of those who don’t hold to the same eschatology as I do. From what…
Dec 28, 2023
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
We have been given the greatest gift and power the world has ever known. The gospel of the grace of God has not only been given so that we may enter that covenant with God but has also been given so that we can offer this same gift from God to…
Dec 26, 2023
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
This Christmas morning begins with a reverence for many things in my mind that brings me to the point of hopelessness and neediness. Though I acknowledge the desire of so many to hold only to the promises of God that bring about joy, peace, and…
Dec 25, 2023
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
The truth concerning grace is the most wonderful message that we must declare. Over the past several decades, the gospel of the grace of God has been used and misused by many to continue in their sins. Paul the Apostle writes in Romans 6:1 What…
Dec 23, 2023
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
I have struggled with this concept for a long time.  Mostly, we preach a come-as-you-are concept for coming to Church. I’m convinced that that concept is correct regarding coming to Church. However, that has to be where the concept ends.
We cannot…
Dec 21, 2023
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
Galatians 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 
The question has been asked: what would be the proper way of handling…
Nov 8, 2023
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
I had surgery on October 23rd and spent a week in the hospital.  God was so good to me while I was there and allowed me to meet so many wonderful people. The Lord also taught me something that I am trying to process and get as much out of as I…
Nov 7, 2023
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
This seems to be the question that the leadership team from IHOPKC faces.  While I disagree with Mike Bickle staying silent or the leadership around him silencing him.  I believe they are attempting to do the right thing as they see it. In the last…
Nov 2, 2023
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
The allegation of sexual immorality against Mike Bickle is now on Facebook for all the world to see. Once again, the church has decided to air our dirty laundry in front of the world for transparency.  Scandals of sexual immorality have been a part…
Nov 1, 2023
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
A while back, the Holy Spirit revealed that when God drops a truth into the dimension of time, it becomes active and operational until the day of its fulfillment. Often, in its infancy, people don’t see it; therefore, they don’t give it any real…
Oct 21, 2023
Jeff Rowland posted a blog post
Revelation 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire.
As John turns to see the voice he heard, he receives this wonderful vision, and he continues in this verse to describe what he saw. …
Sep 29, 2023