I recently read an article titled, “Media Ignores Dramatic Rise In Discrimination Against Christians In Europe.” The title caught my interest. The biblical narrative concerning the role Europe will play in the end times according to the book of Daniel and Revelation makes the treatment of Christians in that area something of political importance and spiritual significance.
Daniels's vision of the four kingdoms culminates in the Roman Empire that was in power when Christ was born and will rise again during the tribulation as a governmental power that Anti-Christ will rule from. Therefore the actions concerning the European nations now should not be ignored in our preparation for these days.
While Christians are being hunted and executed in places like Nigeria, Iran, Afghanistan, and other places, what is taking place in Europe may not seem as significant, however, it has special significance because of the geography. There must be a clear path for the Anti-Christ to rise to power in that area and the only way that can happen is for the Christian voice to lose its effect in that place. Naturally, the Media is ignoring this rise in persecution for the sake of secularism and the ideology of man.
The article states, “In November, the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe released an alarming report detailing a 70% increase in hate crimes against Christians. Did you read that on the news? Or hear about it in the mainstream media? Of course not. Christians, as always, are the acceptable victims and convenient scapegoats for the elites, and thus violence against their persons or properties are ignored.”
If these things are not being reported on the news, the question is how much more is not being reported on the news. Our ignorance of something doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Alan and I have been saying “it is later than we think” for some time now. In fact, we are seeing the events unfold in preparation for the greatest shift this earth has experienced since the birth of Christ. It can be looked at as a dark time, but for those who have placed their faith in Christ, it is the most exciting time you could ever live in.
I heard preachers say that one day we would look to the Word of God for the News Headlines one day. That day is now.
Great article