There are three areas where I believe the thought life is formed, under which there would be many sub-headings. The bible teaches us that we are born in sin. Psalm 51:5 behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. The inheritance from generations past gives us a pattern of thoughts woven into our DNA that we preach as the fallen nature of man. This truth brings about what could be called pre-determined motivators programmed into our brains. We are like our parents. The desire that motivated our parents to action works in our thoughts as well. Just as expression, personality, and certain mannerisms are handed down from our parents to us, so too are the weaknesses and propensity to certain sinful thoughts handed down to us. We are not just like our parents, but I believe we think like they do in many ways.
Another area in which thought patterns are formed is in learned behaviors from many different sources. These sources could be called determined motivators. We learn certain thought patterns that determine our behavior from education, culture, society, and even life experience. To be taught at an early age to deny any thoughts directed toward the acceptance of truth from the Word of God would be to close our minds to God as the origin or source of anything. The collective society or culture to embrace something as a truth causes people to accept what they proclaim as truth without thinking for themselves.
The basis for thought should always rest in truth. The problem always is when people don’t trust the foundation of all truth which is God and His Word. If the Word of God is replaced with human intelligence, then truth becomes irrelevant in our thoughts. In our present world truth has not only been replaced but has been deemed irrelevant. Desire, ambition, power, control that serves as the by-product of living life without the influence of truth guiding our thoughts are now the factors behind our thought life. Psalms 106:35 But were mingled among the heathen and learned their works. It appears that we are learning the works of those without God by the way we think and live our lives.
Another area that motivates our thought patterns are undetermined motivators. 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to bring into captivity every thought into the obedience of Christ. This verse indicates that we don’t have to take ownership of every thought. To surrender our mind to Christ teaches us that suggestions from another spirit can form in our thought patterns. If the mind is not surrendered to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God it will become a playhouse for the enemy to lay strongholds in place to work against God in your thoughts. In the life of the believer, this can cause us to revert to simple human intelligence to guide our lives. Many churches operate from the models set before them in the realm of business and entertainment because we do not have God in our minds.
A thought life that exemplifies the truth of the Word of God will increase in faith. Isaiah 26:3 thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. The thought life must be submitted to the Lord in every way. Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. May we surrender our mind to you Lord and trust you to fill our minds with thoughts based on truth.