Who is coming next?

Who will take our spot?  Who will replace us?  What leadership will now be seen?  There is always someone to take your place.  The failure of the Church to mentor those who are coming after us has delivered a generation of people that know nothing of the heritage and foundation that they should build on.  It should be the number one call on every believer to find your replacement and teach them.  The Elijah and Elisha relationship should be active in every believer.  If this is not happening there is a vacuum that exists.  Someone will replace you, but if it is not someone who has been trained in Godly principles, then your work and life could count for nothing.  When there is an absence of Godly leadership, ungodly leadership will rise. 

Who will take America’s spot?  Who will replace us?  What Nation will rise now?  Someone will fill the void we have left in Afghanistan.  Will it be a freedom-loving people?  Will it be a people that will preach the gospel?  Many will think that this disaster in Afghanistan is just the next thing for conservative Christians to talk about.  Many will not hear it.  Many will even deny what has really happened.  Those who will not hear have closed their ears to the teachings of the Word of God.  Matthew 13:11 Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.  Right now, our Nation is being replaced in Afghanistan by a God-hating, Christian-hating, violence-loving, barbaric people whose main agenda hangs on murdering anyone who disagrees with their religious beliefs. Because of the cowardice and shameful way that we left that country our leadership in the world is now over and we will be replaced by a new Nation that will be a global leader and power.  Who will that be?  Who will take our place?  Who has the military, economic, and technological ability to fill that spot?  Will it be a Nation that loves God and His Word?  Will it be a Nation that loves freedom? 

This past Sunday I said that China and Russia will begin to come together and will rise as the replacement to America on the world stage.  They are already dictating policy to us in many ways.  Russia denied us passage to another country to create a base from which to evacuate Afghanistan.  China has dictated behaviors on the world by the Corona Virus.  China and Russia will begin a march to take more land and more people.  While our economy weakens further over time and our government embraces more of a socialist agenda, we will slip further on the world stage and leave a vacuum that China and Russia will fill. 

The real question is what do we do now?  Can this be turned around?  Our hope now can only be in the Word of God.  What this means is that there will be dividing lines among the people of God.  The division will be plain to see.  Who really believes in the power of Christ and His Word, or do we believe in the power of the governments of the world?  Mat 10:34-35 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. To those who preach a message of unity, I say Amen.  I also say that the people of God cannot walk in unity with those who deny the truth of God.

While the world grows darker the Kingdom of God shines brighter.  He and He alone is our hope and security.  The Church in America must raise up a standard against the evil of our day by proclaiming truth from His Word.

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