Who Among us will Lead the Way

The upcoming elections are quickly upon us.  Congress and Senate seats on the Federal level will be decided.  State seats as well as Governor seats will be decided.  It seems with every election over the last couple of decades, we hear the call that this is the most important election of our lifetime. I haven’t given that much credibility before now.  Given the political and social circumstances on the earth now I am convinced that these coming elections are the most significant of our lifetime.  I also believe that the leadership of the Church is just as significant in the coming days.

Could it be that God has people in place waiting to be released to lead for such a time as this? There is so much speculation over whether Donald Trump will run again in 2024.  Many are wanting Gov Ron DeSantis of Florida to run instead of Donald Trump.  The State of Florida has been an important state in our federal elections for some time.  The Bush-Gore election was settled under controversy in the State of Florida, and since that time Florida has been the biggest State talked about concerning the elections.  Leadership in Florida seems to be extremely important to the entire nation.  I do believe that if Donald Trump runs and wins the election, that at the least, Gov. DeSantis would be invited into the Cabinet to some degree, possibly even as Vice-President.  With that, the vacancy of the Governor’s seat in Florida will be key to the foundation of the Nation.  Does God have someone waiting to take that seat of leadership?  Daniel 2:21  And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding. In the Spirit I believe that since the Bush-Gore election, there have been people, God has put in place to lead that State that has made a difference in the entire Nation. 

During that time the spiritual covering over the Nation I believe was held by Billy Graham, who followed the purpose of the founding of our Nation, which was evangelism.  Billy Graham stayed true to the two-fold purpose for our Nation which is the evangelize the lost and be a friend to Israel.  The steady flow of the preaching of the Word of God was still filling the pulpits then.  The definition of right and wrong was still in keeping with standards from scripture then.  Truth was not defined by the cultural norms of society.  Truth was not defined by whatever felt right for the individual.  Truth was spoken, defended, and respected.

We now face a new day that is fashioned for new leadership.  Leaders are trained and forged in the fire of difficulty and tribulation.  Leaders are those who maintain the principles of truth regardless of whether that truth is fashionable or not.  Praying that the will of God be accomplished in the surrender of people’s hearts to find the energy to rise again from the ashes of the fire, they have been forged in, is what we must do.  God has a plan.

Someone will fill the leadership seats.  But not anyone.  It must be those set apart for that purpose.  Consider your calling as to what role you are to fill in the coming days.  The Church must have leaders who can lead the way through the minefield of cultural acceptance versus truth.  National voices must take their place to voice without fear the truth that we are still one Nation under God.  Intercessors must find purpose in praying for the will of God to be manifested during this time.  The Church must be filled with the presence of God so that when people walk they encounter truth and are transformed by the glory of God.  It’s time to take your place.

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