Romans 13:11 “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.”
It’s been my observation through conversations with other believers that we are not clued in at all concerning the spiritual climate of our day. When I was a child I remember playing on the kitchen floor while my Dad and Granddad were sitting at the table discussing scripture. Reflecting on this, I was acting as a child normally acts. How foolish it is to be so obsessed with trivial things while matters of eternity are unfolding all around you. It’s just as foolish for people of the Church to be debating and discussing things so passionately that have nothing to do with what is really happening all around us. While the world is burning with demonic oppression and the people of God are under attack for their faith, we seem to be carelessly talking about the beautification of the building or some other trivial matter that is sure to create more disagreement than unity.
To say these are volatile times is an understatement. The bible teaches that we live in perilous times. Jesus described these times for us vividly in Matthew 24. The deceptive ways of Satan are keeping the world blinded. Even the very elect seem to be deceived at least to the times we live in. While the people of God intellectually agrees that these are the last days we seem to be asleep as to what we are to do now. We are taught that we are in the world but not of the world. Worldly methods will never give us spiritual victory or lead us to spiritual revival. We are in the world but need spiritual power to live in agreement with What God wants for us. The question I have is this, what in the world are we supposed to do now?
Romans 13:11 is such a powerful and passionate verse. The application of this verse to our day today should awaken our spirit in a profound way. The challenge to wake up and know the times is a call to action, but not just any action. The times we live in are calling us to specific actions that are relative to these times. In any war there is always a strategy to follow to obtain victory. The Body of Christ needs a plan of action. We need the Holy Spirit to reveal to us how the army of God is to move and operate on the earth. We have the promise that everything we need has been provided. We have His word that has assured us of certain victory if we will get up off the kitchen floor and stop playing while eternal things are happening.
I found myself sitting on the porch asking the Lord Jesus for direction and for a strategic plan of action in these times. I have felt for some time that I have been in a holding pattern waiting to land. I believe in the days ahead that God’s strategic plan of action will be unfolded and we will rise up to meet the challenges of this day. We will be equipped with the armor of God and the sword of the Spirit.
I truly believe that God can use the kingdom prophetic Society in these days to awaken the dry bones. We could march according to a different drum beat that could bring in a last day revival that could sweep this nation. In the days ahead I will be telling you what I believe is God’s plan of action for us and we must make the commitment to move with Him in greater glory than we have ever known.