The trouble our nation has seen over the past few months have many in the Church feeling almost numb, and asking the question, what do we do now? One of the hardest things we can ever deal with in our lives is feeling regret over wasted opportunities. I believe the Church is facing one of the greatest opportunities we’ve ever been given.
The cry of the people of the nation at this time is for healing and unity. The perspective of these two things from a secular point of view is missing the mark of God’s truth. Their perspective of healing is actually justification. The people of the earth are crying out for justification and calling it healing. The world wants to be justified in their rebellion against the truth of God, in terms of their lifestyle and ideology. The standard of their justification is acceptance. If their lifestyle and ideology is accepted by everyone they call that healing. Their perspective of unity is actually conformity. The cry for unity is a cry for everyone to agree with their point of view. It now is in plain view that if we do not accept and conform to the ideology of the world, then we will be isolated and silenced by any means necessary.
So the battle is the same, it is just being manifested through political means. Satan’s desire has always been for the people of God to deny God’s truth and live after the desire of their flesh. Satan’s psychology is to convince the people of God that their ideology is better than the plan of God. 2 Corinthians 6:16-17 teaches us that we cannot be in unity with those of a different ideology. It doesn’t teach us that we do not love them into the fellowship of Christ, but we cannot be in agreement with them.
I have found myself unable to pray for the healing of our nation. 2 Chronicles 7:14 describes the healing of the land as the consequence not the object. If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. So we cannot get to healing without humility, prayer, truly seeking the face of God and repentance. These are the things I find myself praying for now. Without these things being released in the people of God then we have lost our nation.
I said the Church has been given the greatest opportunity we’ve ever been given. I believe this to be true. These can be the most exciting times in the history of the Church. We are in transition in this time. The earth and the ideology of the earth is being destroyed by its own use. We are imploding by our own nature. The only help that remains is in Christ the Lord. His kingdom is at hand, and we are here to be salt and light in this dark world. The strategy at hand must be on many levels. The model prayer teaches us to pray, “thy kingdom come”. The earth is preparing itself for the Kingdom of God to invade and rule over it. This transition requires the people of God to activate Kingdom principles in their life, empowered by the Holy Spirit of God in us. Pray for His Kingdom, live out His Kingdom, subdue the earth with the truth of God and the whole earth will be filled with His glory.
While interceding for the things that lead to the healing of our land, we must acknowledge that we must come out from among them and be separate. It doesn’t say we are to come out from among them and be silenced. To come out from among them is to speak truth where there is error. To come out from among them is to preach Jesus to the lost. To stand on the Word of God and shine that light in darkness. You cannot do that from the sidelines, or from behind the walls we have built around ourselves. We can no longer be ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation. Be not afraid neither be dismayed for our God is with us during this time for the Kingdom sake.
Jeff: Great word and discernment with regard to "The people of the earth are crying out for justification and calling it healing." The deceiver has convinced many and they have accepted it as truth. Thank you for this word. Blessings to you and your loved ones!