
Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

To be not conformed means, not to follow the same pattern or manner of life that this age dictates. This would indicate following the culture or systems in which this life is lived is not in keeping with what the scripture teaches for a believer. So, with that thought in mind, the term transformed is the answer for how to not fall into conformity to this world.  Transformation in this sense is carrying more depth than the simplicity of salvation. Transformation with the complete context would be something that accompanies salvation to give one the strength to overcome conformity to the world’s mindset, culture, and way of life. Transformation is the process of the renewal of the mind. Renewal is the idea of completely renovating the mind, which is more akin to the Hebrew word for soul, that which makes you feel and brings you to a rational point of belief.  ONLY FROM A TRANSFORMED MIND CAN WE “PROVE”, THAT IS MAKE DISCERNMENT AS TO WHAT IS THAT GOOD, ACCEPTABLE, AND PERFECT WILL OF GOD.

The only standard of what is good, acceptable, and perfect can only be found in the will of God.  The untransformed person or unrenewed mind will never find the good, acceptable or perfect standard for life.  

The system of the world attempts to find what is good, acceptable, and perfect through means that leave the will of God out of the equation.  Enlightenment through education, the creativity of man, a philosophy developed through life experience, and Psychology which is more than the study of human behavior it is the understanding of meaning, purpose, and the effects of everything on the mindset of man are among the means in which man tries to find the answers to what the transformed life has found. While these things in and of themselves are not wrong they will come up short in finding what is good, acceptable, and perfect concerning our manner of life.   

The methods previously mentioned works towards man coping with his past and preparing for his future, the process of Transformation restores us back to the original state of creation. Though we are not complete yet, we are in that process. Adam and Eve were not worried concerning their past because they had not sinned.  They were not worried concerning their tomorrow because they were to live forever.  They only enjoyed the fellowship of pure holiness and complete intellectual capacity for the Spirit of God.  Disobedience led them to the need for coping with what they had done.  God was interested in more than life.  He came to give us more than life. If it were only an issue of life then He would not have guarded the tree of life with a sword but would have allowed them to eat and live forever.  God wanted us to have transformation through the renovation of our minds. The Cross of Christ took care of the sin problem and has fixed our eternal future, therefore what is left is today.

THIS WOULD INDICATE THAT WE ARE TO BE A PERSON IN THE STATE OF I AM.  We are not to live in the past with those regrets.  We are not to be concerned over the future and the calamity we face.  We are to live today with the blessing of the fellowship of pure holiness and discernment of the Spirit of God. We are created in His image after His likeness and He is the great I AM.  The apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:31, I die daily.  Dying daily indicates that we are laying down the rudiments of this world and not conforming to the patterns of this world for this day.  In that, you have begun the process of transformation by the power of the Spirit for this day.  You are dying to time.  Both past and future.  Living today.

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