The Perfect Church Service

What would the perfect church service look like?  What would the perfect church service feel like?  What would it be like to be in the middle of the perfect church service?  It does seem that there are those who try to develop and present the perfect church service.  The problem is we seem to be attempting this through the power of our own strength and intellect. 

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision the people perish.  Habakkuk 2:2 Write the vision, and make it plain on tables, that he may run that readeth it. 

A visionary will present a vision that God provides for or else the vision didn’t come from the Lord.  As with every vision, there arise the details of how to pull the vision off.  Details can often be the thing that destroys the vision.  Those who tend to have a perfectionist mindset will often find themselves yoked to the details of the vision.  Perfectionists will find themselves overwhelmed by the vision and consider that it cannot be done.  The visionary often doesn’t see the details and will run faster than the perfectionist can run.  The struggle between the visionary and the perfectionist can lead to walls between the two.  There are even some who carry a vision and the personality leans toward perfectionism.  The inner struggle that individual endures can paralyze and stop any movement toward the plan of God for their lives.

It appears that perfectionism and vision seem to always be at work in the church.  We are living in a time now that churches are practicing their presentations for the Sunday meeting.  I understand with the technology that exists today in the church and the different campuses that the timing of everything comes into play, however, you cannot practice the power of God or the presence of God on Tuesday for what God wants to do on Sunday.  Instead of church services being an encounter with God they have now turned into performances where everything is done at the precise time we have rehearsed it.  Some may say we are having the perfect services but we do not have the power of God.  If we spent more time seeking the power and presence of the Holy Spirit as we do practicing a performance, we may have an encounter that would change our lives. 

Our sound systems are perfect but the sound we are making lacks the anointing.  Our preachers look the part and are eloquent but lack the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  The congregation applauds at the right times but leaves the same way they came.  We have smoke coming from the stage but it is from machines made from a man, not from the glory of the presence of God.  We have big video presentations that have all the glitter of Hollywood, but no real depth of understanding of what God wants us to do. 

Let’s get back to the vision that God has given.  We need to appropriate and apply the vision to our lives and work to do the best we can for the Lord, but do not use fleshly methods to accomplish a spiritual objective.  Let’s get back to the vision that God has given, but do not use fleshly rational to deliver spiritual thought.  May God save us from ourselves. 

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  • So good to here someone calling out the lack of anointing due to practiced services. Many feel the effects of the music and show and think that is the Holy Spirit.
    Keep up the good work Jeff.

    Steve F.
  • The time of surface level church is coming to an end.

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