The deepest inner struggle we have with our flesh nature always seems to come to the surface right after an encounter with God. Satan works at an intensified rate when we come closer to fulfilling the design God has for our life. At our Saturday night meetings, we have been looking at the triune being of man and some of the things that go along with that. It's simple things to those who have been walking with God any length of time. The government of the flesh is the senses. What we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. From the culmination of evidence gathered by the senses, we develop logic and rationality. Sin becomes logical to us and even justified by the overwhelming amount of evidence we can gather. Once this part of sin has taken our mind and formed strongholds, then the soul begins to feel the desire for that particular sin which further builds the chain of evidence that it must be alright. The principle we have been learning is that logic does not equal truth. The real truth comes from supernatural revelation which lives in the spirit. Jesus asked his followers, who do men say that I am. Peter said you’re the Christ the son of the living God. Jesus responded, flesh and blood didn’t reveal that unto you, but my Father which is in heaven. Later when Jesus told them He was going to be put to death, Peter responded, be it far from you Lord. Jesus then said, get thee behind me Satan. Logic blinded Peter from believing that Jesus would die. After all, he had seen Jesus raise the dead. But logic in that instance was not truth. Believers are now responding to sin in their life with logic and reason instead of supernatural revelation.
Sunday morning, I found myself alone in the prayer room we have set up at the Grace Place. I began praying and sensing from the Lord some things I wasn’t sure I wanted to pray about. I began praying Lord use me in the kingdom, for the kingdom, and by the kingdom. The meaning of these things began to unfold for me by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. It was my revelation. The personal relationship I have with Christ gave to me insight that wouldn’t be given in the same way to anyone else. Your personal relationship with Christ will give you insight into the meaning of this same prayer if you will join me in it. I believe that in this prayer we can begin a journey of deliverance and restoration that will free us from the inner struggle Satan uses against us.
The reason I have this passion is that time is so short and what will be done for Christ must be done now. The anointing of the people of God must be restored during such a time as this. The commitment to holiness and purity must be restored during this time. Not just purity of actions, but purity of heart, that can only come through the blood of Jesus, and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. If our lives are defined by the living in the kingdom, for the kingdom, and by the kingdom, then we can represent Christ on earth with the anointing to tear down the gates of hell. Don’t go to war without this anointing.