I believe the challenge that the Lord has mandated to me for the final leg of my journey in life is found in James 4:8. This verse should serve as the filter through which everything in my life goes through. The context of the first 7 verses of that text gives perspective for what we are encountering, at least in this country, as the body of Christ.
The story was told to me by my Grandfather concerning what happened with some of his friends around a breakfast table where they were gathered. They begin to discuss some scripture and talking about the things of the Lord and James 4:8 was talked about. That verse says, Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you, cleanse your hands ye sinners, and purify your hearts you double-minded. As they discussed this verse they began to realize that if we were to get close to Him, He would get close to them and there would have to be a meeting place. So they made a covenant with each other to see how close they could get to God. Each night they gathered for prayer at a specific place on a particular mountain. As time went on they noticed changes in the people of the group. He told me that one night they began to pray and the presence of the Lord sat down with them in such a real way that the place where they were gathered seemed in his eyes as if were daylight outside. Others in the group later reported the same vision. That story has been in my mind since the day he shared it with me. Alan and I have been sharing this with some around us trying to encourage them to draw nigh to God and allow God to draw nigh to us and maybe we can encounter Him at a level like never before. The later part of that verse I believe sets the conditions for such a challenge. We must clean up our lives, and simply make up our mind.
Setting the verse in context gives a perspective we need in our day. As you read the first seven verses there are many principles of truth that become clear. Drawing nigh to God will first remove strife from between us. James 4:1 says, why do you argue and fight with each other? It comes from your selfish flesh. Unless we are close to God the flesh is all we have to guide our thinking and our actions. Drawing nigh to God will also expose the hidden agendas of your flesh life. James 4:2 says you want something you don’t have and will do anything to get it. It seems that even in the church we are trying to use spiritual methods to gain fleshly power to build our own kingdom. Drawing nigh to God will change your prayer life. James 4:3 says, that when we pray we are praying from selfish ambition. We need to take inventory of even why so many are asking God for revival. Is it that we are wanting God to move so we can build ourselves up instead of seeing the transformation of the people in that revival. The perspective of our prayer life is why so many prayers go unanswered. Drawing nigh to God will break the connection of living your life based on worldly philosophy and secular reasoning. James 4:4 says, if you love the world you are the enemy of God. The world is preaching a gospel of tolerance. However, this message will never set anyone free of their bondage to sin. The world is teaching our children to learn to tolerate homo-sexual lifestyles. Our children are being taught by the world that gender identity is a choice to make. Because our government puts their stamp of approval on such actions they are setting laws to rule above the standards of God’s holiness declaring now the government as the god of the people. It appears that the church is now in debate over accepting this philosophy of the world. Drawing nigh to God will produce a warrior spirit in the people of God. James 4:7 says, surrender to God, resist the devil and he will run from you.
Drawing nigh to God cannot be done by mere will power. The Holy Spirit must draw you to the same conclusion that I have come to in these last days. I must get as close to God as I can by cleaning up my life and making up my mind. For me personally, my choices are made. I have no earthly or religious reputation. All I have left is the simplicity of chasing after Jesus with all my heart. Come join me on this wonderful journey and let's meet with God while we still have a little time.