The Church is missing it. The delusion of intellect among the people of our nation today is leading us down a dark hole that lines up with the Satanic rule of the Anti-Christ. That’s what is happening with America. It’s not just about a political shift. It’s not about which political party is involved. The world has adopted a political stand to cause people to worship the earth through environmentalism. The bible told us not to worship the creation over the creator, yet the political religion says we should. The threat of globalism is merely setting us up for the rule of the Anti-Christ. The Church is planning to build another playground for our young people while this is happening right in front of our eyes. In the Churches defense we are having planning meetings on how to facilitate the coming move of the Spirit. We have our prophetic words on how the revival is going to come. I believe the institution of the Church will still be having such meetings long after Jesus calls the true Church out. The people of God are living so below the standard of our God given authority and influence that we lay asleep while the world darkens more every day.
What is it that we must have in this present time? What do we need more than anything else? A more beautiful building isn’t going to work. A bigger stage, better music, more things to involve the youth, a more up to date presentation are things we’ve worked on in the institution of the Church for years and here we are. We are arguing over little things that don’t matter. Some churches are trying to build a financial portfolio. But the things we lack are anointing, spiritual power, and the courage to tell the truth. Most people want the truth packaged in a way that doesn’t offend. However, we have all been taught that the flesh must be offended in order to engage the Spirit.
Revelation chapter 1 lays out what I believe is the strategic plan of God for us to walk in victory even through the darkest of times. John wrote this for us nearly 2000 years ago. The message hasn’t changed. The truth is still the truth. With all our learning without the ability to come to the knowledge of the truth, the plan of God for how we are to engage in these times and live is still the same. WE NEED A REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. WE NEED A TRUE MANIFESTATION OF HIS LIFE AMONG US AND IN US. WE NEED AN UNCOVERING OF HIS GREAT GLORY TO FILL OUR EYES. That’s what John had and what the Church is missing. The Church needs an encounter and visitation of Christ or we have nothing more than a gathering that cannot compete with the world.
While most believers would agree we need more of the Lord. Most would say amen to the declaration that we need an encounter or visitation from the Lord. Not many are willing to do what comes prior to that. Before you can know the Lord as the Savior, you must know yourself as lost. There must be the acknowledgement of your own condition before you will ever see the glory that God wants you to see. Satan tries to blind us to our own condition. Satan will deceive you to what’s really in you in order to keep you away from the Lord.
Unless the churches begin to repent of spiritual elitism we will never encounter the Christ like we should. Unless the churches begin to repent of doctrinal arrogance will never see His glory. Unless we see ourselves in the poor, blind, naked, miserable condition we are in we will remain lukewarm and nauseating to the Lord. In that condition one thing is for sure, we will not effect change in this world. To those who would deny the present condition and subsequent call for repentance, you will be led by the prince of this world in a surrounding darkness. You will begin to call good evil and evil good.
May we see our condition and cry out to Jesus for deliverance and healing in these days. May we engage ourselves with truth. May we encounter the living Christ and rise to the glory of His presence that we may be able to shine light in darkness.