While in prayer this morning the Lord spoke some things to me. When the Lord speaks to me normally it begins a process through which everything fits into the spectrum of what He has said to me. One of the things that God told me was to stop avoiding the unavoidable.
There are many things that we are told in the bible to shun, escape, or flee from. We are told in 2 Timothy 2:16 to shun profane and vain babblings. 2 Timothy 2:22 says, to flee from youthful lusts. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape. These scriptures point us to the undeniable fact that we can avoid the ungodly things that bring us into sin. However, when the act of sin is finished it is unavoidable to escape the consequence. Just as the consequence of sin is unavoidable there are things happening all around us that are just as unavoidable.
There are some in the Church that seems to be in hiding hoping to avoid the conflict that is unavoidable. Issues have come into the church that we have avoided and these issues are having a drastic effect on the people of God. Psalm 51:3 says For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. The acknowledgment of sin is missing today. The Church started avoiding the issue of sin when people began to show pride in their sin. Through fear and intimidation, the culture of our society has silenced many in the church from declaring the message of repentance and forgiveness through Christ. The message of the Church is freedom from sin and the message of the world is the freedom to sin. The truth is we can no longer avoid taking a stand against the pride of sin that is infiltrating the congregation of the Church. The only way to biblically love people is to declare that they can be free from the power and penalty of sin.
The Church in America can no longer avoid taking a stand against the culture of our society because of political or social consequences. Our nation is being divided by the philosophies of intellectualism, while the Church is remaining silent with the exception of a few. This is the call of the day. The war is being brought to us and we're not responding. We are equipped with the Word of God and we are not using the power of that Word to engage. Violence, immorality, corruption, lies, division, and hatred of truth seems to define our present situation. Yet, we like Peter are standing far away warming ourselves by the fire. We desperately need to engage directly with every issue that we face as a nation with the Word of God and that’s where we will find the revival we are praying for. Speaking softly around the edges of these issues will no longer work. We must declare directly and powerfully what God’s Word says about these issues.
There are many things that we face that are unavoidable that we are trying to avoid. We cannot hide from what is being brought to the doorstep of the house of God. The Church needs to use the power that the Word of God says we have. Walk in the authority that Christ Jesus the Lord gave to us and we will walk in the revival that God has prepared for us.