Revelation 2:1

Rev 2:1  Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; 

This church was believed to have had some powerful pastors in its rich history.  The apostle Paul, Timothy, and even the apostle John himself.  What an amazing thing to have been part of a congregation that would have had such a great array of God’s preachers to stand and declare the word of the Lord.  Gill’s commentary on the name of Ephesus states that this name means desire.  This would be fitting given that this church would cover, in historical terms, the apostolic age.  At the outset of the Church age, there was a great demonstration of passion and desire. In Acts chapter 2, when the Holy Spirit was given to indwelled believers, many thought that those who received this message were drunk.  The only explanation for this response would be that the people were so filled with passion, excitement, and demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit.  I wish that the people of God had this kind of passion today.  I realize that in some parts of the world, they do.  But for the most part, the Church of today seems passionless and weary.  Our Lord introduces Himself in unique ways to each church.  We can see that the message was designated to the angel of the church.  Most commentators would agree that the angel is not a literal angel but the messenger or pastor of the church.  This being the case, it builds a case for pastoral leadership and authority that should be noticed.  A pastor holding back the word of God from the people in fear of what they may do or say is not worthy to be in that position.  A congregation that refuses to follow the word of God from the man of God is in rebellion to the Word.  We have many places in scripture where God establishes a man to speak to, and the man is to speak to the people.  I’m reminded of when the people of Israel said they wanted to hear from God and not just Moses. After God spoke to them, they responded to Moses and said, you hear from God, and we will listen to you.  This does not mean that God doesn’t speak to all of us.  We all have equal access to the Father through Jesus Christ; however, I believe that the pastoral position and role of leading an entire congregation requires the people to respect the God-given authority in the church. 

Jesus begins His introduction of Himself to the church by saying that He is the one that holds the seven stars in His right hand.  We have discovered from chapter one that the seven stars were the seven messengers to the churches.  Jesus declares the covering and the reverence that each messenger should feel.  How awesome to be found in the hand of the Lord.  I wonder if, in today’s Church, the pastors regard themselves as being in the right hand of the Lord.  I wonder if those in seminary and bible institutes are teaching that when you stand before the congregation, remember to whom you are responsible.  There is no more extraordinary place than to stand before people and give them the word of the Lord.  There is no more reverent a place to be in than to know you are in His hand.  A hand that can crush or comfort.  For accountability and protection, the Lord holds the messengers in His hand.  Men of God should not fear the people when in the protection of the Lord.  Men of God should not tread on the people in fear of the living God.  

Next, Jesus introduces Himself as the one who walks in the middle of the churches.  His presence in our midst is the missing element many of us now cry out for.  There needs to be a sweeping revival in our land to re-energize the people of God in America.  Our lack of passion and spiritual desire has depleted us.  As said previously, the name Ephesus means desire.  At the beginning of the Church age, there was a spiritual desire to follow and be in the presence of the Lord.  Down through history, we have traded genuine spiritual desire for building empires and being successful in terms of money, attendance, and buildings, which all come to nothing without the fantastic presence of Christ manifesting in our midst.  The prayer from the lips of every believer should be, come to Lord Jesus and fill us to overflow with your Holy Spirit so that our spiritual energy would be renewed.  May we place ourselves in your hand and feel the wonderful presence of being held by your hand.  May every congregation that gathers be engulfed by your presence to liberate us.

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