Remember Shiloh

Ephesians 3:10-11 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

The question that has filled my thoughts over the last few years is centered around the principle of purpose.  For me the understanding of the connection between passion and purpose is undeniable.  Our passion leads us into the purpose of God for our life.  God placed a passion in my heart for his word at an early age and that passion grew into a purpose.  His purpose led me into pastoring a church for many years.  During the time that I pastored, God visited us with power that was a move of the Spirit of God, marked by salvations, healings, miracles of provision, and ultimately transformed the lives of many of those that were there.  These that many would call revival are elements of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  All through the book of Ephesians the Apostle is writing about the entirety of salvation.  Therefore, the whole of salvation is the multifaceted wisdom of God given to the church. 

The wisdom of God declared to the church and seen by those in heavenly places is done through the eternal purpose that is in the heart of Jesus Himself.  This means it is the passion of the heart of Christ for the church to be manifestations of the wisdom of God by means of transformation of life.  I believe we need to recover the thought that experiencing all the elements of God’s great salvation is the passion of Christ right now.  It is more than just His declared will in the Word for His children to be revived, it is His passion.  At least for a time we got to encounter the passion of Christ at Shiloh tabernacle. 

Many who were witnesses and participants in the move of God in our church have decided to curse the blessing that was given to them by the Lord Jesus.  To those who would be critical of any stirring of God’s Spirit, are being critical of the heart and passion of Jesus Himself.  Many came to Him and received salvation and then cursed the very means in which God delivered that salvation to you.  Some criticize the way everything looked.  Some criticize the way things ended.  But I look back with joy that we were able to see the passion of the heart of Jesus Christ.  Don’t curse your blessing.

I now move forward with a new passion.  This new passion for me is to leave behind what is behind and reach for the dawning of a new day to fulfill even maybe a greater purpose.  What God has done for me in my life is just a taste of what is coming even now.  Our passion has been misdirected into many different things.  I look around and no one is blowing the trumpet to rally the troops to the war we now face.  While people are lost without Christ, with no direction, and misdirected passion, the purpose is getting blurred in the vision of those in heavenly places.  While we are chasing after inner healing, deeper life, isolated spiritual encounters the world around us is growing bigger in the darkness of lies that is being taught to our children.  While we are sitting around talking about all our problems and the problems of others, Satan’s lies grow more widespread and now even the culture of our nation is changing to accept immorality as a lifestyle. 

It is time for the Church to come together and move in the passion of the heart of Christ again.  We have no time to lose.  We are armed with the gospel of Jesus Christ and we need to declare it in its totality to the world.  No weapon formed against us shall prosper if we move in unison toward the purpose of the Lord.  Don’t curse your past blessings.  Remember the power of God you encountered and get ready for a new passion to stir in your heart again.  Don’t give up one inch of your faith.  His Word is still powerful and true and can set the captive free.  Believe it again, trust it again and you will see it again.

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  • What a powerful word that exposes the enemy’s desire to divide this weakening our power of unity. 

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