I’ve been wondering why some of the issues that are talked about in our country are a part of government philosophy or the political landscape. The passion and fervor that is manifested in people concerning the politics they support, or don’t support, is at an all-time high. There are debates over issues like equality, sexuality, marriage, the sanctity of life and many other things that have been called social issues. Government legislation cannot fix the heart of man. The right solution cannot come from political agendas.
We were founded as a nation upon the principles of the Word of God. Some will debate the importance of the bible in our founding, simply because they fear the rule of the bible, or disagree with the application of the truth of the bible in their lives. However, the bible and man’s faith in the God of the bible was predominant in the founding of this country. At our founding, matters of equality, sexuality, and sanctity of life wasn’t political topics because they were seen as matters of religion. Little by little, the attack of Satan has been to change this so that people would no longer look to the bible concerning these issues. He would rather they look to legislative law being made by the government to determine what is right. As a result of this attack, a nation that once held faith in the bible has transferred their faith to the political philosophy that supports whatever they desire to be true.
Racism is an issue that has been at the forefront of American politics since I’ve been on the earth. We all should agree that no one should be devalued as a person for any reason. However, legislation cannot fix the problem. Racism is a matter of the heart not the head. The true answer for racism is found in Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Becoming part of the Body of Christ is the answer to equality and racism. The scriptures also teach that “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.” (Phil 4:13). This promise is given to every member of the Body of Christ. This teaches us that God gives opportunity to every believer regardless of gender, ethnicity or anything else. We can conclude that political reasoning will blind us from the real solution which is Jesus Christ.
This same thinking is true concerning any social issue. The only answer is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The only explanation for people looking for political solutions instead of the real answer is because they don’t want the real answer. Man seeks for political answers to complex issues so they can take credit for the solution. Man has always wanted to take credit for things that only God can do. Man also seeks to shun the responsibility for the evil of our day and blame God.
Unfortunately, many in the body of Christ seeks to remain silent in matters concerning politics. I’ve heard people say, “just preach the Word and leave politics out of it.” The only ones who would say that are those who know nothing about the bible to begin with. The bible is a book about the formation of governments and the political philosophy to run those governments. The true nature of a silent church is rooted in fear and even unbelief in the written Word of God. While the Body of Christ remains relatively silent, political parties are becoming the religions of our day. They are passing the Church in passion, witness, and influence. Unless we engage again and declare the message of Christ, our nation will come to ruin.
The government of a nation cannot replace the Church. The University is teaching that human wisdom is better than the wisdom of God. The University has become the church of the world, the government has become the savior of the world, and politics has become the message. We must declare that Jesus is the only way to the Father, the Church must be triumphant, and the gospel must be preached.
The church needs to take it's place back in politics. In the early 1800 and 1900's politicians went to the churches to get the approval of the church to run for office. The pastors spoke from the pulpit and informed the congregation on which candidate was running under kingdom principles. Then the government came up with the 501c3 to shut the mouth of the pastors. The law needs to be changed concerning the 501c3 and the church needs to raise her voice again.