It is now time to make up your mind which kingdom you belong to. The redefinition of the American way of life is underway and in full swing now. In the last few weeks, I have come to understand what has been true since I met Christ at the age of 6. I am more a citizen of God’s kingdom than I am a citizen of the USA. The scriptures teach this principle to all of God’s people. John 18:36 teaches us that the Kingdom of God is not of this world. 1 John 3:13 says, Marvel not, brethren if the world hate you. There are those who cry out for the constitution of our nation to guide us and lead us. As wonderful as the constitution of the United States is, the people of God know little about the power of the constitution of God’s kingdom. The documents our forefathers in America wrote for us contain a roadmap for the foundation of our government, but the word of God that holy men of old wrote by divine inspiration of God Himself contains the wisdom and knowledge of how to live as citizens of His kingdom.
The American way of life hinges on the key factor of freedom as the lifeblood of our greatness. But it is this idea of freedom that is under attack and being redefined by the leaders of our day. The government of Israel was set up by God in a specific way. God was to be their king. He would use his agents of prophets and judges to lead them in His way. The people looked at all the nations of the world and wanted to be like them. They wanted a king, in human form to rule over them. God told Samuel to listen to their voices and give them what they wanted. God said they weren’t rejecting Samuel but they were rejecting Him. I’ve preached many times the principle that the most severe punishment God can ever give to a people, is to give them what they want when they reject what they need. Why would Israel want to trade the kingship of God for the leadership of mere human opinion? Why would they want to be like all the other nations of the world when God had elevated them to such greatness under His rule? The greatest freedom Israel could have enjoyed would have been under the rule of God. The greatest blessing Israel could have enjoyed was to have been the loyal subjects of the eternal God. But they wanted to be like all the other nations.
At the end of the book of Judges, we find what the new definition of freedom is in our day today. Judges 21:25 says, In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes. This is the cry of the people of our land today. Everyone wants the freedom to do whatever is right to them without rule or authority. The only way this can be accomplished is to destroy our system or any system that has rules that don’t fit their lifestyle. The systems in place that govern our nation are indeed under attack. The fundamental transformation of America is in place. Those that are in leadership now have nothing to restrain them. Now is the time for the citizens of God’s kingdom to rise up with a powerful voice the announce our allegiance to the Kingdom of God. Now is the time to rise up and proclaim our allegiance to our King. Now is the time to adopt the constitution of the Kingdom of God as our guiding document and way of life. No government of the world can has the power to hinder us in any way. Jesus said even the gates of hell will never prevail against us. Come out of the shadows of fear and be not overwhelmed by the actions of this world system and draw nigh to the King of Glory.