Looking for Revival

2 Peter 1:20 says, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." The word private indicates that it would be of one's own interpretation.
This indicates that we cannot interpret scripture from a natural form by the mere force of natural logic or wisdom. I say that in order to lay a foundation concerning how the Spirit of God spoke to me during the house of prayer at New Life on Wednesday Night. The focus at the beginning was Psalm 70. Two different chronicles were given by the people who were. The second of which was focused primarily on the Sunday service and the teaching that would be given by the Pastor.
It is important to understand that the Word of God is not a book of logic, though you will find logic in the book. The Word of God is not a book of emotion only, though you will not find another book with as much emotion in it. The Word of God is supernatural in power and given by divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when we approach the Word of God or engage in hearing the voice of God, we should show great respect, reverence, and obedience.

When the people of God gather and speak a word from their spirit, the only validation we have for that word is the Word of God. If what is said is validated by the Word then we must accept it as from the Lord. The theme that kept running through the words that came from the people was all about revival and subsequent manifestations of revival. It is obvious to me that this should be the focus of every church, however, with every move of the Spirit it is characterized by the expression of God given to the people.

God is looking for wells of revival among His people. These wells of revival will bring healing and will raise up dry bones that will be jubilant with rejoicing. He will encamp all around us and will spring forth with authority to give to us bountifully everything He wants us to have.

This was the chronicle that was given. This declaration of faith was formed by the Holy Spirit to the people of God who were seeking Him. Psalm 70:4 "Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified."  To those who would receive this word I believe they will see exactly what was said.  To those who would remain in doubt, they will not see the fulfillment of this word.  It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but unto them it is not given.  (Matthew 13:11).  My prayer is that we will receive the Word of God with gladness and believe the supernatural power of His truth. 

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