Joshua 11:15 As the Lord commanded Moses his servant, so did Moses command Joshua, and so did Joshua, he left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses.
It is indeed a biblical truth, that salvation is free. But I believe it’s just as true that following the Lord then will cost you your life. We have cheapened salvation to the point that we invite people to come and pray a prayer where they recite a few words, we welcome them into the family of God, and never see them again. Salvation is just the beginning. Salvation is the entrance requirement into the kingdom of God. However, to receive salvation is to give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Once we have trusted Christ by faith as our Savior we grow into His Lordship and become His disciples. This growing awareness of His Lordship teaches us that our life is replaced by His life in us living through us. The last line of this text verse teaches us many principles. It speaks of the relationship Joshua had with God, God’s word, and God’s man. For the sake of this article, we will not be discussing those things.
The busy and hurried life we all live now is at such a rapid pace that at times it’s hard to keep up. The schedule is sometimes overwhelming. Our time is filled with work, more work, and in our spare time, we try to get some work done. Paul teaches us in Ephesians 5:16 that we are to redeem the time for the days are evil. I heard Dr. Jack Hyles preach a message on the text of Joshua 11:15. In that message, he pondered all the things that we may have to leave undone in order to leave nothing undone that the Lord had commanded us. That question has been rolling around in my mind and has brought me to my knees. With that question in my mind I have been asking myself; What have I done? What have I left undone? How much time will spend with what years or even days I have left on doing what God has commanded me to do? This has a way of setting priorities that can also lead us to God’s truth in our lives.
God establishes priorities throughout the scriptures. Matthew says to seek FIRST the kingdom. Paul teaches in his letter to Timothy that FIRST of all prayer must be offered. Again in the sermon on the Mount Jesus said if you have a problem with a brother FIRST be reconciled to him then bring your gift to the altar. There are many priorities in scripture that we should recognize. What are the priorities in our life?
If I were to answer the question for me; What have I done? What have I left undone? I’m not sure that I would like the answer as it is right now in my life. There are many things that God has called me to do that I believe are undone. It is truly in my heart to do what God has called me to do. My spirit man yearns for God’s will to be perfected in my life. I can honestly say that I want to live in God’s kingdom. I want to live for God’s kingdom. I want to live by God’s kingdom. I want to fulfill the call of God in my life. I don’t want to leave it undone and go out to meet the Lord that way. Am I so caught up in this earthly existence that I can’t see that leaving earthly matters undone is what is called for in order to leave nothing undone for the Lord? Time is running out. We don’t know how long our lives will last on the earth. Should we not be about the Father’s business?