Introduction to chapter 2-3
In our study of Chapters 2 and 3, we will cover our Lord’s message to the Church. These letters are full of information concerning the history of the Church, as well as the present-day condition of the Church. In the province of Asia, where these churches were located, they were not the only churches in that province, yet the Lord chose them for John to write our Lord's epistle to them. This fact alone would indicate that these churches represented more than their own locality. I believe these churches were chosen because of their character, and the situations they faced would be a window for us to look back at the complete history of the Church. He chose seven churches for John to write to. Seven is the number of completion. This information gives us a full picture of the Church on Earth from its conception to its catching away. In the message to these churches, they were given a commendation and a condemnation. These same commendations and condemnations are with us today. The same situations these churches faced are what the present-day Church seems to be facing today. At least in some parts of the world, these situations are seen. All of Satan’s strategies that are at play in these seven churches are still at play today. Every promise of God given to these churches is still with us today. The reward and victory given to each church are still with us today.
It is plain that God, in His wisdom, has given us all the information we need in these seven letters to map out a plan for the Church, to avoid the pitfalls, and defeat the enemy on our journey toward spiritual passion and the deliverance of the gospel, which is the Churches mission. As we learned in the study of Chapter 1, we can never receive the revelation of Jesus without first receiving the revelation of ourselves. I don’t believe the Church, at least in the Western world, will ever be aflame with revival without first understanding and seeing the deficiencies in our walk with God. 2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. We are presently left with no excuse for allowing Satan to gain an advantage over us because we are given the information on what he is doing and will do to try and stop our advance toward a deep relationship with Jesus Christ. All of Satan’s plans are laid out in the messages to these seven churches. We should rejoice over the power of the Word of God and consume it with passion and great reverence, understanding that it is the truth that sets us free not only from the power and plans of Satan but also sets us free from our own nature. So, as we begin our study of these two chapters, may we, with open eyes and ears, both see and hear what the Spirit of God is laying before us to prepare us for a deeper walk and more intimate relationship with Christ.