These are the most damaging times in our political history. One-line comments have shaped policy. There is no longer any depth to our political discussions. Political discourse has become nothing more than an opportunity to attack one another personally. Even though this is distasteful it does not give the Church an excuse to step back from the political discourse in America.
There is a component of people in the Church in America that believes we should not talk about the social decline in our Nation or political policy that is morally wrong because it is showing a lack of respect for the positions our leaders hold. The perspective seems to be that pointing out sin in our culture is no longer acceptable even among church leaders. Is it any wonder why the coming generation are confused over so many issues they face when church leaders are no longer willing to stand against what is wrong and proclaim what is right? If we place the issues of our day into a Democrat or Republican framework, then our perspective is already wrong. The cultural and political issues that trouble our Nation must be viewed from a biblical or non-biblical framework.
The reason church leaders must begin to address these things from the pulpits is that these cultural issues are now creeping into the church. Things that should not even be named among us are now tolerated in our congregations. When major denominations are fighting among themselves over ordaining into leadership those who live in known sexual sin, we must ask ourselves why we didn’t take a stand? Have we become so weak that we are afraid to speak the truth? In preaching the return of Christ we point to His message in Matthew 24 and the signs of the end of the age, yet in declaring those very signs we are taking a stand against the very policies of our government. If we can’t preach these things without offending some in the church who hold to a political agenda, then we have limited God’s word and chosen our ideology over bible truth.
I understand that I was under a delusion myself for many years. I thought that those who professed Christ as their Savior and Lord believed that His truth must be followed before worldly philosophy. I didn’t realize that there were many Christians who believed in a more liberal view of political philosophy. I didn’t believe that someone even acquainted with scripture could hold to views that are so anti-biblical. You can have the right interpretation of scripture but when misapplied it is just as wrong. Our Nation was founded on the principles of the Word of God, but now even those who say they believe the Word of God are turning their back on that Word by embracing the worldly philosophy of human intellectualism that has no knowledge or wisdom at all.
The loss of our Nation has already begun. The fundamental transformation of our Nation is underway in the culture war that is being fought. There is only one weapon that we have to fight in this war that is like a nuclear bomb which is the Word of God. There are those who hold to principles of love and respect to give themselves excuses as to their neglect to speak out. True love is pointing out the forgiveness of sin not the denial of sin, and nowhere does the Word of God teach to honor what is dishonorable.
If a true believer is to live in the world but not be of the world, then our faith, and stand in Christ should permeate every part of life that we touch or that touches us. Luke 11:23 He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. I’ve been wrestling with a thought for some time now and I’m starting to embrace it. I will go to war for anyone, but I will not go to war with just anyone.