The response of Jesus has been in my mind for some time. He was the King of the Jews, however, the Jews must receive Him as the Son of God before He could be their King. We know from John 1:11-12 that He came unto His own and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God.
Our identity is basically threefold. What we say we are, is one identity. What God says we are, is another identity. What others say we are, is yet another identity. If what we say and what others say come into unity with what God says, then we are operating in completeness. We are what others say we are to them. We are what God says we are to Him. We become what we say we are to ourselves. It becomes obvious that if someone says I’m disqualified, to them I am disqualified. If someone says I am unworthy of my calling, to them I am unworthy of my calling. We are what others say we are to them. Jesus came to His own people, but His people didn’t receive Him as He was. If they couldn’t receive Him as the Son of God, then He could not be their King.
However, the Word of God has something to say to those who did receive Him. To them was given the power to become the sons of God. By receiving the true identity of Jesus Christ, their identity was changed. When we come to Christ in faith our identity in His eyes changes. We are who he says we are. He says I am His child. He says I am His joint heir with the Father. He says I am fully able to do all things through His power. He says I am fully commissioned to declare His forgiveness, grace, and mercy to all who will hear. He says I am fully qualified to do exactly what He has called me to do. The whole story is that we are crucified with Christ, our old man is buried with Christ, and we are raised to walk in the power of His resurrection as a new creation in Christ Jesus.
I have a choice to make. You have a choice to make. Will you believe the report of others or the report of God? If we decide to believe the report of the Lord concerning who we are, then we must silence within us the voice of others who try to define who we are.
Those who identified Christ as an imposter became imposters. Those who identified Him as a false prophet became a part of false teaching. It may be that those who define us as anything other than what Jesus says we are, will become what they define us as.
Lord may I hear what you say I am. May I silence the voice of how others define me. May I become a fulfillment of your word concerning my life. As we walk in our true identity we will walk in the power of the living Christ regardless of how we are defined by others.