Friday Night Meetings with the Lord

Our Friday night gatherings are becoming more of a blessing than I could have imagined. These gatherings began with a group of people who wanted to make a concerted effort to pray specifically for certain things. When the question was asked, what exactly would you want to pray for, six different topics came up: 1. To reclaim the prodigal, 2. To learn how to live in the presence of God, 3. For God’s people to answer the call 4. For our Nation to return to God 5. We pray for family reconciliation 6. For God to stir a hunger for His Word. 

As we delved deeper into these topics, seeking to understand, at least from an introductory standpoint, what God’s word said about them, I began to witness some of the most profound miracles relationally. Prodigals are returning, and families are being reconciled, a testament to the transformative power of our collective prayers and the personal growth they inspire. We are asking God and then stepping back to watch what He does. God is bringing together a group of people that have been marked up by sin. Some in the group wouldn’t fit in a normal Church setting. Some in the group are so broken by the circumstances of life that they can hardly face each day. Some even cut off from fellowship with others.

When you have a group of people who are so broken and desperate and compare them to those who seem to be highly blessed, I would rather be with the broken and desperate. A move of God’s Spirit has already begun. A placement of people who are answering the call to be there are coming. Prodigals are returning. People are yearning for the Holy Spirit to guide their lives. People who are at least open to God's call for their lives. Dare I say that even people who love God and love our Nation enough ask God to restore this Nation back to Him? Families who are willing to lay down their grievance against one another for the sake of Christ and His word. It even appears that there may be a hunger for God’s Word stirring in our midst.

This small beginning sure reminds me of something God did with a Church full of castaways whose lives were shipwrecked. There was a revival. I had the opportunity to witness a move of God’s Spirit among a group just like this. I don’t know what the future holds for this little Friday night meeting. We are not meeting in a nice church sanctuary. We are meeting in a garage filled with tools. It seems that is where the Lord would have us to meet. But something special is shaping that will be effective if people stay broken and desperate enough to seek the favor of God.

Following God is a daily adventure. This is a new season. Sometimes, it takes a little adjustment. We should never fear the adjustments ahead of us if we follow the Lord.

Lord Jesus, make the adjustments in my life so that I may please you. Lord, bless our Friday night meetings with your power and presence. Even at our very best, we are still weak and small. Thank you for taking our weakness and making it a strength. Help us to get out of your way and let God be God.

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