Revelation 1:19 says, “Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.” This verse has been used to describe the natural outline for understanding the book of Revelation. The verse also includes much more truth than that. This verse gives us the responsibility that we have as a people after having an encounter with Christ. Most think that an encounter with Christ is for the encounter itself. When God moves on a people the result of that encounter should give purpose. We cry out for spiritual awakening but have failed in the purpose of the last spiritual awakening.
It is part of the historical record that the education of our children, in the days of our founding, was primarily done by the Church. The Church took that responsibility to educate our children. Dr. Lawrence A. Cremin, a distinguished scholar in the field of education, has said that during the colonial period the Bible was “the single most important cultural influence in the lives of Anglo-Americans.” Thus, the cornerstone of early American education was the belief that “children are a heritage from the Lord.” Parents believed that it was their responsibility to not only teach them how to make a living but also how to live. As our forefathers searched their Bibles, they found that the function of government was to protect life and property. Education was not a responsibility of the civil government.
I’ve said before that universities have become temples of idol worship and are producing disciples of secular humanism that denies God. This has happened because the Church neglected our responsibilities. It is ironic to me that those believers who deny this are probably the most qualified to teach but would rather turn it over to the government.
Since the Church left that responsibility the government took it over. The same can be said of our responsibility to care for the orphans and the elderly. Children now are given to the state where they are completely kept from any knowledge of the living God. The elderly are no longer cared for with dignity and the honor they deserve. These things have happened because we have neglected our responsibility.
To return to our God's ordained responsibilities we must repent. John had a vision of Christ and Jesus told him to write what he saw. Why would the Lord tell him to write it down? It was for the education of the people of the Church. The reason God gives us information is so we can share it. The purpose we have as believers is to share the knowledge of Jesus Christ with the world. Jesus then said, “write the things which are.” John was responsible, to tell the truth to the Church and to tell them of their complete condition. As you read through Revelation chapters 2-3 you’ll see that is exactly what John did. “The things which are” included everything the Church was doing both good and bad. John told them what was coming against them, how to overcome it, and what would be the reward for the overcomer. It seems we cannot be honest with ourselves about our own condition. I believe the culmination of everything that’s listed that came against the 7 churches are the things that come against us in the present-day Church. Then John was told, “to write the things that shall be hereafter.” The prophetic movement of our day must go back to the foundation of prophesy itself. We need a fresh encounter with Christ. The encounter will change our vision and produce a responsible spirit. We then must say with authority the things we see and the things which are. We must no longer be fearful of telling the truth. Only then will God give us pinpoint words of prophetic relevance to guide us in our day.