Every time the world tries to silence the voice of the body of Christ, God ensures that it will grow louder. Such was the case for John. John was exiled on an Island called Patmos because of his testimony concerning Jesus Christ. This place was reserved for criminals to live out their sentence. It was a place of persecution, loneliness, abandonment and betrayal. According to the Word of God we will face tribulation and adversity. 1 John 3:13 says, “Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.” John 16:33 says, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” The term tribulation translated means pressure, anguish, burdened. It is an irreversible truth that those in the kingdom will go through tribulation in this world. This seems to be something most try to run from. Some try to deny the biblical truth of suffering tribulation. 2Timothy 3:12 says “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” It is not the absence of trouble in someone’s life that equals God’s blessing, but it is our response to trouble that brings about either defeat or victory. It is impossible to find someone in the scripture who followed the ways of God that didn’t in some way face adversity or trouble. Hatred, betrayal, rejection and being falsely accused, among many other things, marked the life of Christ while on the earth. Why would we think to be above any persecution or affliction? Paul said he would glory in his infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon him. This is the correct response.
The bible says in Revelation 1:9, “I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Patmos was a place designed to silence the voice of John concerning the Word of God.
The supreme court had to rule on restrictions that the New York Governor placed on houses of worship as unconstitutional this week. Since the beginning of the virus the churches in America have been targeted more than any other institution. Certainly there are nations with greater persecution against believers who declare their faith in Christ. However, I wonder in my spirit how close we are in America to becoming like Patmos, a place designed to silence the voice of believers. Could this kind of persecution begin to happen here? To shut the churches down because people are sick is as crazy as shutting the church down because people are lost. Jesus is the great physician just like He is the Savior of the world. There was a time when sickness drove people to the church house. I understand this is an infectious disease. I also understand people are shot for assembling together in the name of Christ in other places around the world. We marvel in America about the faith and courage of those in other countries who risk their lives to assemble together, yet we close our doors because the government says so. Are we facing a time when America will become like Patmos?
Some politicians are screaming because conservative voices are being shut out in the Universities. The Christian voice has already been shut out in all of our school systems. Are we facing the time when the government will begin to label the preaching of the gospel as hate speech? Will they tell us we can assemble but only if we say what they allow us to say? Are we facing a time when we will find out who our allegiance really lies with? Are we on the Lord’s side or do we stand with the government of man on this earth?
We are already told that the Church in America cannot endorse one political candidate over another. The 2019 Pew research poll said nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that churches and other houses of worship should keep out of political matters. Many in this same survey said they believe the religion is losing influence in American life and that this is a good thing.
The church in America needs to wake up. There will be a remnant that will lift their voice even louder. For those who completely surrender to His will there will be miraculous power of God that will awaken the spirit with a fresh anointing. But I believe that this will come during a time of a great delusion and persecution in our nation. America, the new Patmos will be the place of great persecution but also great revelation. If you run from the persecution you won’t receive the revelation.