Rick Joyner on Facebook Watch
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I keep hearing and reading the conservative news, the Christian news and Church leaders saying the same thing..."What our administration is doing is unblievable...unheard of...our leaders are very wrong in how they're handling this situation, i.e., look at Afghanistan, etc."
So, when are we going to stop reacting in shock and disbelief at how our country is being led and admit that it's not ignorance and stupidity on the part of the's the plan! The Administration knows EXACTLY what they are doing...handing America over to China on a silver platter and nobody can stop it (but God).
How can we think or believe that we can be in so much debt to China and not be owned by them? or keep looking at this blatant surrendering of our Country to China in disbelief. Now, China is even speaking for the US in the Iranian nuclear talks! The U.S. is no longer the "head but is the tail."
It is time for us to start recognizing what's really happening! I think we are ignorant to think that it "will change with the next Administration with Trump." It's not going to change...unless God changes it... which I don't expect He will, because we, the Church, have followed a different "Jesus" and are so full of "...immorality, impurity, lust, evil desire, and greed -- idolatry. Because of such things God's wrath is coming upon the sons of disobedience." (Col 3:5)
We are deceived in more ways than one. We have taught an Oooey Gooey Agape God so much so that we have forgotten He is also a Judge!
Luke 19:14 says "But his citizens detested him and they sent a delegation after him, saying "We don't want this fellow to reign over us!"
... .
(27) But those hostile to me, who didn't want me to reign over them, bring them here and execute them before me."
This is the NT God Who is the Judge and not an Ooey Gooey Agape God only. We have lost the ability to discern Him as ALMIGHTY God and Judge...the line has become so muted that we don't even know that when we sin, we should repent of that sin daily, every minute, every second, every time we sin. We should be doing our best, seeking the Holy Spirit, to move in us so as to NOT sin!
But we think we can lie, cheat, steal and gossip, murder, dishonor our mothers and fathers, change our sexuality, etc., and the Father of Abraham Isaac and Jacob isn't seeing it...He's only Omnicient to a point, apparently????
I pray that once we start accepting what's happening with our Country and taking responsibility for it, rather than blaming it on the administration and whoever else, then, REPENT and turn from our wicked ways turning back to God, we may turn it around, but I don't think we will see the U.S. back as the great leader it once was ever again...
my 2 cents...