🕊MFM Retreat | Tuesday Evening Session🕊

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🕊MFM Retreat | Tuesday Evening Session🕊🕊Join us for the Tuesday evening session at the MFM Retreat!✨Watch Prophetic Chronicles every Tuesday at 6:30pm!htt...

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  • People are creature's of habit. That is why we can become enslaved to worldly ways. That is why we can become comfortable with things. The Lord wants to stir us, interrupt our lives and routines. You cannot put New Wine in old wine skins. You cannot expect to put something that is explosive, powerful,  and bubbling over into a atmosphere that is comfortable with how things are. We cannot get comfortable with the good old wine. When Jesus turned water into wine, the host said "the new wine was better than the old wine," the best of the the Holy Spirits out pouring today is better than what was in the past. 

       Father, I pray that you stir our heart's, cause us to to be moved in spirit and deed. Give us eyes to see, and ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the Church.

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