Joyner: "An Obama Re-Election Could Be The End Of Our Republic As We Know It"
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You need to be a member of Kingdom Prophetic Society to add comments!
BeenDonzi-will this put this silly obsession to bed?
and finaly a proposed solution to the madness induced, IMHO by colusion with the spirit of the age to ostensibly further the agenda of churchanity (not Christianity) overwhelming the Church-
doing my check in to see if anybody enjoys talking about stuff like this.
Here ya go........this is why the whole abortion issue is more complex than the simple minded and thoughtless statements from the rightwingnuts who have exerted so much influence over evangelical folk......and why the decision must be left to an individual women and her support group which is preferably family.
Why are evangelicals seemingly always about individual liberty and no government intrusion until it is something they agree with?
and those red states who want to succeed from the union-good, they cost to much money anyway. I'm joking but it is funny that the biggest GOP voters get the biggest percentage of "entitlement" money.
and some economic perspective........
hmmmm..........the really encouraging thing about this thread is that nobody seems to care to much about what Rick Joyner has to say about I hear angels rejoicing?
Just for fun here is a link to an article to help sort through stuff.
second sighhhhhh............just checking to see if anybody felt like a conversation. Ya'know, Hobbitts have a fantastic reputation but one annoying thing about them, according to Tolken, is that they only like to read books that say things they allready 'know' and agree with. It is bad practice.
Here is a link to a reality check that may help.
BONUS 4 Uall
ROFL-that means roll on floor laughing, by the by
That little logo in the upper right hand corner of the video previously posted-they are a group dedicated to making people aware of the rediculious things right wingnuts say and do for the benefit of those who care............which if we are lucky is not many except for those of us who get guilty by association with them.
Here is the link, Be Blessed
sighhhhh..............let's try this.
The aforementioned whore would be physical Israel about AD30 through AD70. They rejected the Rock of their salvation and the purpose of God for themselves. When they behaved this way in centuries past the metaphors utilized by the prophets for them were descriptive words such as adulterious and whore.
In doing this physical Israel brought curses upon themselves which Moses prophesied.
The unfolding of these curses is written about in spiritual metaphor in the book of Revelation and described by historians when the account of Rome sacking Jerusalem in AD70 is recounted.
Jesus warned of these things happening within a generation of his ministry upon earth and instructed the Church to flee when they saw the armies surrounding Jerusalem.
Physical Israel represented specifically by the religious establishment of priests, etc persecuted the Church by employing Roman rule prior to the events of AD70 being discussed.
Thus-the whore rode the beast drunk on the blood of the saints and the beast then turned and devoured her.
This is history and fact.
Oh, the guy who dated the book of Revelation as being written in AD90 also put Jesus' age at the climax of His ministry at about 55, the physical temple in Jerusalem is referenced in the book of Revelation, and Ephesus had experienced an earthquake and was not recieving mail in AD90 so can we avoid the date the book of Revelation conversation. It was written prior to AD70 and is primarily history complete and prophecy Christ all will be made alive and every knee will bow, every tongue confess allegience to Him - Nobody gets left behind.
This would be a good place for a conversation about how to apply these principles and facts to modern church culture.
oops-here is that first link
and another that popped up just as an example of the stupid little lies that get soooo overblown to get folks all amped up over nuthin