Jack Taylor: Afraid of the Holy Spirit (LIFE Today / James Robison)

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A pastor explains how his fear of the Holy Spirit turned into the most transforming experience of his life.

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  • To let it read me!  Amen

  • At 72, having spent 47 years in ministry of some sort or another, it's like I have read over Scripture instead of allowing Scripture to read me.  My friend, Mickey Evans said, "Reading Scripture without prayer is like studying a menu in a restaurant but never ordering or eating its food."  Now. At last, I read, and then I pray, "Lord, I think I know what that means, but what do You want to tell me personally about what I just read?"  And then I write His word back to me.  Write?  Yes.  We think best when we write:  Habakuk 2 God said, "Write down the vision..." 

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