IHOPKC- The Global Prayer Room | 24/7 Live Stream

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IHOPKC - Mike Bickle - Central to the work of the missions base is our 24/7 prayer room, inspired by David’s tabernacle (1 Chr. 23:5; 25:7), where 288 singers and 4,000 musicians were employed as their full-time occupation to minister to the Lord and serve the community. We divide the 24/7 schedule into twelve worship-based prayer meetings a day, each lasting two hours. Scripture teaches that night-and-day prayer is deeply connected to the fullness of God’s power and purpose being released (Lk. 18:7–8; cf. Isa. 62:6–7). We are offering Jesus unceasing worship, while contending for justice and for the power of the Holy Spirit to be manifest and bring transformation in every sphere of society.

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