Matt and Laurie Crouch host Perry Stone, Bill Cloud, Irvin Baxter, Bill Salus, Pastor Mark Biltz and music by Cindy Ratcliff. Discussions begin at about 8 to 9 minutes into the video. Your feedback is encouraged.
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What spoke most profoundly to me in my own spirit was Bill Cloud's sharing of the significance of Jacob and Esau. We can see how this bears out in the big picture of what is happening in the Middle East between the descendants of Jacob and Esau, but we need to hear what God is saying to His people (the church) through this brother's understanding of end-times because there certainly is a vying now for supremacy right in the house of God over who is going to rule...those who want the true ark of God in he midst, and those who want a soulish appeasing of people's flesh and a constant catering to it.
This can also be brought right down to us as believer's fighing that never ending battle between flesh and spirit. Who are we going to allow to win? JESUS, help us, Lord to let YOUR Spirit have the preeminence in ALL things in our lives!!!
"We cannot be a light to the nations, if we're acting like the nations".
"if He is allowing oppressors to rise, it's to drive us to our knees". RIGHT ON!!!
Overall, have most felt my spirit leaping when Perry Stone is speaking. He makes the prophetic very
personal, and there is a witness of the Spirit.
When the Lord shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His glory!!! (quoted by Bro. Mark Biltz) AMEN!!!
Thanking God we are children of the day!
Makes me want to read the book of Revelation again to catch all that I've missed, as they are mentioning
scripture in some light I had not seen before.
Just want to be ready to ALWAYS stand up for the Name of Jesus, no matter what the cost!
Also, want to have deep understanding what we can do as praying saints to effect world events in a
positive way....either for Godly CHANGE, or to get God's people THROUGH victoriously, no matter what is going on in this world. I'm so glad that Jesus told us that we can be OF GOOD CHEER because He has
overcome the world!!! (John 16:33)
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your faithful servants who study your Word, and look into these matters to
teach Your people of things to come. Amen and Amen
My observations...
What spoke most profoundly to me in my own spirit was Bill Cloud's sharing of the significance of Jacob and Esau. We can see how this bears out in the big picture of what is happening in the Middle East between the descendants of Jacob and Esau, but we need to hear what God is saying to His people (the church) through this brother's understanding of end-times because there certainly is a vying now for supremacy right in the house of God over who is going to rule...those who want the true ark of God in he midst, and those who want a soulish appeasing of people's flesh and a constant catering to it.
This can also be brought right down to us as believer's fighing that never ending battle between flesh and spirit. Who are we going to allow to win? JESUS, help us, Lord to let YOUR Spirit have the preeminence in ALL things in our lives!!!
"We cannot be a light to the nations, if we're acting like the nations".
"if He is allowing oppressors to rise, it's to drive us to our knees". RIGHT ON!!!
Overall, have most felt my spirit leaping when Perry Stone is speaking. He makes the prophetic very
personal, and there is a witness of the Spirit.
When the Lord shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His glory!!! (quoted by Bro. Mark Biltz) AMEN!!!
Thanking God we are children of the day!
Makes me want to read the book of Revelation again to catch all that I've missed, as they are mentioning
scripture in some light I had not seen before.
Just want to be ready to ALWAYS stand up for the Name of Jesus, no matter what the cost!
Also, want to have deep understanding what we can do as praying saints to effect world events in a
positive way....either for Godly CHANGE, or to get God's people THROUGH victoriously, no matter what is going on in this world. I'm so glad that Jesus told us that we can be OF GOOD CHEER because He has
overcome the world!!! (John 16:33)
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your faithful servants who study your Word, and look into these matters to
teach Your people of things to come. Amen and Amen
And thank you, Alan, for sharing this video!!