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the Accomplishment of the Cross

The Accomplishment of the Cross


The Glory of God revealed.

Joh 17:1 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:


The Salvation and Transformation o

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Heart Seminary

Heart Seminary

"I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer...Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can't bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can't bear fruit unless you are

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Ron Ross Ministry Update

Ron Ross and Net Casting Ministries Kenya 2012 Report

The struggle of the centuries has been to free the soul of tribes, tongues, and nations from narrow interpretations of Jesus, who is the very essence of the Father’s message. The world is still wai

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The Work of the Cross

The Work of the Cross

Atonement - at/one/ment



Every sinner is both responsible and accountable before God for their sin. All are guilty. All are condemned to die; as God in righteous judgment, has decreed.  A condemned man cannot die in the

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Toking the Holy Ghost?

Allrighty, I had to look this up when I got home.  The phrase came up at Bible study.  Check out these two links and make your own judgement.  I think the guy said he came into the Kingdom through Teen Challenge which is a very cool group of disciple

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Church in the real world

Today my 1st job was at the home of a local Baptist pastor as I worked we talked about the condition of the church today and in particular its decline as many of you are aware most churches are in an accelerating decline as membership ages and dies t

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Again, I apologize for the font size changes.  They just happen when I copy/paste.  Also-I realize I am addressing some sacred cows & third rails with this stuff and welcome all positive conversation with those seeking to grow in the grace & knowled

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Thought for the Day

Have a great day gang. 
Just a thought for the day……

What if the Holy Spirit began to invade our meeting places just like he did in the book of Acts?

 “As Paul and Barnabas left the synagogue that day, the people begged them to speak about these things

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(pardon the font size changes, it did that when I copy/pasted.  Only meant that in one portion)


Toil, Trouble, Trials and Tribulation Two

The answer to the question often asked-“Why me, Lord?

 And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as ou

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All sin is relational

written by Michael McBane

All sin is relational no matter what, it infects the sinner and the one sinned against. We do not sin against God but ourselves, our transgressions are wounds that run deep. Our sin is a separation from G

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Why was Jesus Crucified?

The Necessity of the Cross: Why was Jesus Crucified?


Consider first the divine nature and character of God: the beauty and majesty of Holy Love.


God is Holy Love. He is wholly Holy and He is wholly Love. God; who is Holy, is inseparable from the God

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Rise Up Fearless Overcomers


Rise Up Fearless Overcomers!

Why are we afraid? There is no room for fear in the life of an Overcomer. This is an ageless truth...most Christians are well aware that there is nothing to fear and that our Father has not given us the spirit of f
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Nurtured by His Kisses

“There is no more wasting time. The days are nearly over—our Groom is quickly coming! He greets us with a kiss…He proclaims you have been chosen, for such a time as this.” Heather Clark

Jesus is coming back soon-that we are surer of than any time in h

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2012 May June Ministry Report

I do hope that you enjoyed the summer. Every time I think of you I give glory to God. In all my prayers for you, I always pray with joy. I would not have met you if I was lost in my sin. I am thankful to God for choosing me. I believe the Lord has ca

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Toil, Trouble, Trials and Tribulation

The answer to the question often asked-“Why me, Lord?


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;

                                                                                                            Hosea 4:6a (ESV)

Rush Limbaugh, a favorite

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