How is your spiritual vision? Did you know that through the “eyes” of the heart God-sight is available? What is God-sight? It is the ability to see all of life from the vantage point of His perspective. There is no higher or clearer perspective poss
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Your life has been hewn (quarried, cut out of) the depths of His loving and matchless character. You are the mirror image of Jesus Christ! Your identity is a reflection of His identity! You are secured in Him with Father's loving arms enfolding you f
Only in Papa can we ascend the heights of grandeur, while at the same time plumbing the depths of commonness. That sums up my journey in Christ. The expectations of greatness have far exceeded my wildest dreams or imaginations and the simplicity has
Heavenly Father, we pause to worship You and give thanks for the mighty works of Your hands. We praise You for blessing our state and this country with a spiritual heritage that anchored a new nation made up of a people determined to seek and o
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Simple and Pure Devotion=Nurture
Were you nurtured? Are you presently embracing nurture? Are you a nurturer? Let's define nurture...
…to support by way of encouragement, (as one does for another during a period of training or development) ensuri
Dearest Friends in Jesus,
As I received mail from Kingdom Prophetic Society this morning, I felt prompted of the Holy Spirit that I should also share this word here on this network. I trust the Lord will speak to your heart through it's message, and
Contagious with Love (by Ron Ross)
Contagious: communicable by contact, catching, exciting similar emotions or conduct (i.e. your enthusiasm is contagious)
Will those I come in contact with today catch love from me? Will my presence be communicable wit
"See to it that no one misses the grace of God." (Hebrews 12:15, NIV) What a sobering admonition. But, it does not mean that grace is elusive or fleeting! Quite the opposite is the case--for a multitude of reasons we think we can 'do' life apart from
Just a gentle reminder of whose opinion really matters as to your worth, value, identity and destiny in 2014.
You are an unrepeatable and entirely unique masterpiece of Heavenly Father’s, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit’s creative love! You are; in no way,
1) Come into 2014 "thirsty" like never before! Come as though you have just completed a difficult trek through the Sahara Desert. Make Father's love the only well you drink from in 2014! If you do; Father's love will trump any and everything in your
A dear friend and brother gave me a medallion to remind me of “tenacious resolve”. It has the words “finish strong” inscribed on it. I keep it in a place where I will see it often. I don’t know about you, but I need reminders. God is great about givi
When was the last time you were absolutely overwhelmed and taken over by the Holy Spirit of Jesus? How were you impacted and changed? The very Spirit of the Resurrected, Glorified, and Enthroned Jesus lives inside of every believer!
Can we walk by the
Hello my prophetic friends, I am writting to share some of what God is doing with me these days. As some of you know I am all over the country preaching in tents, churchs and where ever else God will open a door for me to proclaim the name of Jesus t
There is no pain quite like the sting left in the wake of self rejection. Yet, our own failures open the door to the possibilities discovered in the feeling and knowing of regret and guilt. It is bravery of the highest degree to plumb the depths of
This article is written by Jenna Laird. She is 23 years old and has been fighting and recovering from anorexia for 12 years. Her writings have brought faith and hope to many. I will be posting her writings from time to time. She is also a member of t
"The Cloud is Moving"

There are times (though they are fleeting) that I feel like giving up on everything and everybody. That includes me and even God. Thankfully Heavenly Papa doesn’t take me serious. And neither does He issue me a citation for going too far out of bound
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