“Father, what you say seems so often out of my reach.” “Son, that’s true. It is! What I desire for you is always out of your reach. But never out of the reach of My faith within you. That’s why I had to send My Only Begotten Son and then Holy Spirit
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Jesus you have won me! Because you are, I can be! I am hidden and safe in you! I am restored to innocence in you! Because you have always been and always will be ‘I Am’; I am also! My Eternity is void and does not exist apart from Father, Jesus and H
‘Do you hear what I hear?’ Is your heart strangely warmed within you--like the men who walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus right after he was raised from the dead? Or like Francis of Assisi have you heard the ‘call’ to walk away from the riches
‘Do you hear what I hear?’ Is your heart strangely warmed within you--like the men who walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus right after he was raised from the dead? Or like Francis of Assisi have you heard the ‘call’ to walk away from the riches
"Praise is the rehearsal of our eternal song." Psalm 145, (Charles Spurgeon)
“I lift you high in praise, my God, O my King! And I'll bless your name into eternity. 2 I'll bless you every day, and keep it up from now to
Contagious: communicable by contact, catching, exciting similar emotions or conduct (i.e. your enthusiasm is contagious)
Will those I come in contact with today catch love from me? Will my presence be communicable with love? Will my loving character e
“To be at ease is to be unsafe.” Pope John XXIII When one is not listening; one is at ease and is not awakening. Awakening to what? “Sanctify them in the truth, Thy Word is truth.” John 17:17 Whatever Jesus has to say about any and every thing: our d
Have you ever felt like your life was just a bit out of tune or sync? Or that you are invisible and/or marginalized to those around you and in your own self-image. Have you bought into the lie that your life doesn’t matter to others or in the grand s
I am blessed to ‘give honor where honor is due.’ One of my mentors: Brother Mickey Evans-Though He’s With Jesus--His Encouraging Voice is Still Clear
His shoulders were our floor and He has passed his baton to the next generation. Difficult times, unc
Endurance: Staying the course when problems look or feel overwhelming or the journey seems too long…
Even though we have the power of the Resurrected Christ, His Holy Spirit within us, always available to us---What motivates us to keep going when we f
There are some relational and dynamic tests that reveal simple and pure love for Father. If these characterize your life then you and I will have a solid confidence on which to place our faith walk. How can you and I know beyond a shadow of doubt tha
My dear friend Ray shared some things with me recently that I wanted to pass on. Jesus had already been stirring the slow simmer of this liberating revelation in my heart. Of course, that is not unusual. He often yokes us together with those who can
Would you dare characterize your relationship with Jesus as a scandalous affair? Wait a minute before you reject this seeming crazy notion. We live in a culture that continually tries to pull us down to its level of immaturity. Every day, world medi
"No one comes to the Father, but by me..." Holy Spirit spoke to my heart some years ago, 'Father is the destination, not heaven'...Heaven is a benefit of the relationship Jesus connects us with; His Father!! He and the Father are one. Jesus, Father a
"I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever. And once that person is with me, I hold on and don't let go. I came down from heaven not to follow my own whim but to accomplish the will of the One who |
What is your sense of self? How we see our self impacts every aspect of our daily life. We can either be our own worst enemy or our number one advocate for blessing. For too long I struggled to like or enjoy myself. Self disgust is epidemic and cause
Jesus has moved into the neighborhood! And his presence in the 'hood' is most readily seen and experienced through his followers as hospitality. His unique hospitality is expressed by authentic caring, serving, generosity and kindness--creating a saf
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom."
We reach a point in our lives where it is more painful and uncomfortable to stay trapped in a life unreflective of authentic you than if you le
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