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I don’t feel like celebrating. Haven’t you heard; the times, they are burdensome! Maybe you have so much stress that you can’t even detect something worth celebrating? At more times than I want to count, I do! At the very least we are unplugged from
A dear friend shared this song with Janis and me. The past six months have been the most difficult of our entire life and ministry. But we remain steadfast and unmovable in the Gospel of the Kingdom.
"Therefore, my dear brothers (sisters), stand firm.
Would you dare characterize your relationship with Jesus as scandalous? Wait a minute before you reject this seeming crazy notion. We live in a culture that continually tries to pull us down to its level of immaturity. Every day, world media outlets
Love relates to people’s potential rather than their actual nature.
Love overcomes our own hurts and wounds. How do we love someone when love is not returned? In exactly the same way as if it were! We love for the joy of loving.
Love means that we don
We discover His love in Him: His Love gives permission to change and supports the process. It does not wait on the sidelines until change is complete before it rejoins the relationship. Love is a willingness to share the journey and be part of the st
One of the most amazing things about the love of God is that you are constantly wanting, desiring, praying and hoping that others will experience it as you are! So much so that your thoughts are increasingly more about their experiences than your own
A Thankful Heart:
The Lifestyle of a People That Can See the Invisible God
By: Alan Smith
Psalm 100: Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is G
God is not the least bit interested in our principled application of His truth to our lives. What an insane and preposterous idea, you say? Then what is he interested in? How about our embracing His truth-Jesus!
There are worlds of difference between
NEW podcast published today by Alan Smith on the book of Romans!
The heart of Paul’s gospel is the revelation of Jesus himself. Paul does not want any recognition but always speaks of what Jesus has done through him. He is teaching that our total de
NEW podcast published today by Alan Smith on the book of Revelation.
We pick up this teaching in chapter 19 of Revelation where John begins telling his account of the second coming of Jesus Christ. We begin first with the twenty-four elders and an u
NEW podcast published today by Alan Smith on the book of Romans!
In Romans chapter 14 and 15, Paul approaches the problem with Roman church of how they are to handle their differences with their brothers and sisters. Everyone in the faith is at a di
What I am sharing in this Nurture for the Heart post is as much for my personal edification and encouragement as yours. I deeply believe that all of our struggles are more alike than dissimilar. Every choice we make effects all of our close ones; eit
NEW podcast published today by Alan Smith on the book of Revelation!
Chapter 18 of Revelation addresses the fall of Babylon. Babylon’s fall was the result of two things; its extent of influence and immorality and the murder of God’s people. It is th
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