Do you live in a “NOW” faith? Honestly, I am prone to living ‘unconscious’ to my faith more often than I want to admit. I’ve discovered a spiritual reality that I don’t like while it’s happening. Shaking, trials, temptations and tribulations awaken m
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Today is a fresh invitation to love. A love that awakens potential. A love that calls to love as he loves.
“If anyone boasts, “I love God,” and goes right on hating (not fully loving) his brother or sister, thinking nothing of it, he is a liar. If h
Hebrews 11:1-10 KJV
1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.
3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are
Living beyond measure! It is our hope, purpose and destiny. Our norm in Jesus is measureless living. With blessings, giftedness, hope, joy, and peace without measure. All wrapped in a life of UN-measurable love!
Instead; do you catch yourself being gu
Ekklesia in History
In the 1600’s the early Quakers applied this format to their meetings (based on the practises of a group of dissenters called the ‘Westmoreland Seekers’). This started a spiritual awakening in England which spread all over the worl
“What dynamic transforms us into the image of Christ? Is it through will power, looking at the law and being determined to never sin again? Is it through the power of shame and guilt that we are transformed?” (Pure Grace)
I think not! God forbid! May
These are rife at the moment - accusations back and forth about who's done this, that or the other. What we're seeing as we look at church history is that there's been a different kind of conspiracy taking place and it goes right b
What happened to abundant living? Are we spiritually acquiescing to living our life on the outer fringes of Grace? Are we simply content to live on the edges of God’s love? Have we allowed a wall of fear or doubt to come between our reality and our F
What should a disciple look like? We know we’re all called to persevere, to continue in the word - all the important things Jesus said to his followers. But there seems to be one element that we ignore to our peril. In John 13, Jesus states in no unc
Here it is. The two rivers prophecy.
1 heart + 1 mind = 1 voice
In a night vision I was in the heavens with the angel of the Lord and we were looking down on the United States. I asked the angel of the Lord when revival would come aga
Quitting is never an option! No, that doesn’t mean that you won’t feel like throwing in the towel. Neither are we (in our human frailty and issues) promised not to suffer. Scripture is where we must go to keep hope in perspective. The experience of A
No matter what is happening in my reality; good, bad or otherwise-I am still falling in love with Jesus. My heart is His dwelling place and I pine for him daily! Never shall the scam of religion win my heart back. My romantic faith is what defines my
"Only I can awaken your intimacy taste buds, to enjoy the feast of Me. To know Me well you must also first be confused by Me. What! That's not fair! Only in the mystery of suffering well, of not wasting your sorrows will you cease to try to fit Me in
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