"Long before He laid down earth's foundations, He had us in mind as the focus of His love, to be made whole and holy by His love." Ephesians 1:4, The Message.
'You are on my mind'...Jesus was singing that song over us as we arose to this new day! He and Papa have had us as the focus of their love for all eternity. Do you get it? Time is contained within eternity. Long before or after we feel anything (joy, loss, remorse, frustration, sadness, hope, longings, desire, hurt, anger, restoration...) He only feels, projects, expresses, and experiences love in regard to us. How long is long before?
He got the jump on us-the eternal focus of his love. He didn't start loving us when we finally crossed some threshold of performance or perfection. It wasn't triggered by our getting His attention or creating an illusion that would entice Him to love us. The 'makeup' of our humanitarian service didn't cover the flaws enough for Him to see us in some self-skewed projected false light. No! We have always and will forever be the focus of His love.
Can you try to imagine with me for a moment this day; how lavish, audacious, fiery, impassioned, constant, extravagant (you add your descriptive words) their focused love might be? Be wooed, romanced, and blown away with the passionate love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit today. That will 'nurture your heart'! That will move you closer to whatever whole and holy really are!
Ron Ross