We met Martin at one of our prison ministry meetings. There was something about him- a certain humble, inner confidence. The kind that comes from knowing. Uncommon in prison.
We structured our meetings much like a home group- pretty casual and not too "churchy." Each week, Martin seemed genuinely pleased and eager to see us. He added a real depth of spiritual insight into our discussions about the Kingdom of Christ. Over time, we learned that Martin was an educated man. Although born and raised in the USA, he could speak, read, and write two middle eastern languages.
You see, for most of Martin's adult life, he was a Muslim, and a serious student of the Koran, which is why he studied and mastered the languages. He told us that he had been active in the militant Black Muslim and Black Power movements, back in the day. This begged the question, "Why are you a Christian, Martin?" And he told the story.
When Martin was transferred to this prison, only a few months earlier, he could not sleep. He tried everything, but his mind was so tormented, he just could not rest. The sleep deprivation was taking it's toll on his health and mental state. After many days of this misery, a white inmate approached Martin out in the prison yard, identified himself as a Christian,and said that the Lord told him to come and pray for Martin- a touchy situation for both.
This was offensive to Martin. He didn't want any Christian praying for him, especially not a white man, and certainly not out in public. But the sleep deprived Muslim was desperate and worn down, and so told the Christian of his problem and agreed to be prayed for.
So in this God ordained intersection, the Christian prayed in faithful obedience, without an agenda, or trying to prove anything. He prayed simply and quietly for peace in Martin's mind, and that he could sleep. The Christian knew Martin was a Muslim, but he prayed in the name of Jesus.
Martin told us that when he went to bed that night, he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, slept soundly and peacefully all night, and woke feeling completely refreshed and really good.
With a big smile, Martin said, "And that is why I'm a Christian!"
great testimony! thanks Linda...