When A Man Worships by Adriann ThePen Bautista

When a man worships
He shakes the foundations of bricked hopelessness
And bridges the gap of generational schisms

When a man worships
The heavens bend receiving the
Surrender of its son called to go proxy
For the life of its seed

When a man worships
Unabashedly naked and not ashamed before His father
The earth stands still receiving the cry of this dear one
Wrapped in strength and might
Now rendered humbled and surrendered

Oh but the power that lies in outstretched arms
Taut with muscular definition
And heaven bound intention

The intimacy of Father and Son
Communing in the center of glory
he head bowed in humble submission to
He the one who blew breath into deflated lungs
And he shaped in His image
Positioned as the head and not the tail
Above and not beneath
But always in sanctified position
To lay the heaviness of his life cares at the Father’s feet

When a man worships
When he drops all pretenses
Pride fallen to the way side
Intellect at rest
And simply lifts hands high and bows head low
It is here that the world pauses
And readies itself for change
Because the son has returned to the origin of his beginnings
Sweet sweet communion
Walking with the Father
In the cool of the day
Amidst the green pastures that he was assigned to till

Oh when a man worships
Heaven and earth stands up and listens

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  • That is so true dear brother...God is worshiped 24/7, throughout all eternity; inside and outside of time...all of creation takes note and worships in agreement!!
  • Oh when a man worships!
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