What is the big idea?
The big idea is that God really, really loves all of creation, everything that was made and continues to evolve, including and especially people. Jesus, who is a part of God, made himself as a man so that he could fully experience what life is like for human beings and demonstrate how a human being could radiate the essence of God through their words and actions. Doing this got Jesus killed by men influenced by the god of this age. Jesus was intentionally murdered by religious leaders who could not admit they were wrong and wanted above all else to keep their prestigious offices of influence. The religious leaders used political institutions to accomplish their purpose by compelling the politicians to execute Jesus using the method of crucifixion.
Being submissive to Father God and becoming full of the essence of God through the person of the Holy Spirit enabled Jesus to be resurrected in power and glory. The god of this age did not see that coming. Jesus not only overcame the influences of the god of this age while living as a human being he displayed the compassion and love of God for humanity by being willing to endure a torturous, agonizing death. Jesus breathed his last breath on that cross feeling abandoned by and separated from Father God for the first time during his life as a man.
Jesus was willing to do that because of the joy that the idea of all humanity being in harmony with both creation and Creator brought him.
The execution of Jesus by the hands of people he came to introduce to God, enlighten to the divine origin of their true selves and empower to overcome their adversary vividly demonstrates the character of humanity in collusion and submission to the god of this present evil age. Jesus’ cruel death was necessary so that the love of God for all people would be realized and the possibility for a human being to live a life in perfect synchronicity with God would be established. The resurrection of Jesus by Father God through the Holy Spirit was necessary so that the total, complete victory over the god of this age and all the pain, sickness and death he promotes could be firmly established as absolutely true in the minds of the students of God who follow Christ. Belief in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus makes the belief that overcoming the influence of the adversary is possible. In this way Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
Jesus proved that a human being could overcome the god of this age and become the divine child they were created to be. As people began to believe this about themselves it became possible. As people believed God about who they were and what they would become God’s Holy Spirit was shared with them so they would never have to be separated from God ever again. Through the Holy Spirit human beings may abide with Jesus and continuously be aware of the presence of God. Through the Holy Spirit people may abide with and worship God in spirit and truth. The council and wisdom of God may be sought day by day and moment by moment as the mind of Christ and the mind of man meet in agreement.
That is the big idea.
It is God’s dream. It is God’s purpose. Bringing all humanity to a place of perfect abiding with God is why God does what he does and allows what he allows. Humanities peace and full potential is found in a perfect abiding with God. This is the righteousness and goodness of God revealed in the Gospel.
If it is your dream, your purpose, and your big idea as well then you are a Christ Follower. Think about it for a minute.
-an excerpt from a project I am working on posted in celebration of the season
yep, it is goooooddddddNewz!-and it is inclusive & fiery torture forever free, nuthin to be skeered of........Hmmmm, what will people think though? I mean we can't let folks think mercy triumphs over judgment or perfect love casts out all fear or, shudder, Jesus is the saviour of all...........then people would think that in Christ all will be made alive. Maybe I should raise a little geheena before this grace thing gets out of hand here ;)
Here is a theological question. Will all be made alive in Christ before or after everyone submits to the Lord God and swears allegiance to Him?
That is a good question........maybe it deserves its own post.
Love ya mean it, Papa Ron
love the gospel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!