It is time for God’s people to pray with authority as we approach the end times. No more passive, timid prayers as Satan’s activity through the wicked has amped up. The devil’s brigade knows their time is coming to an end and will attempt to delay or stop the coming last revival. This last great revival will be marked by awesome manifest demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit, undeniable signs and wonders that will point a lost world to Jesus.
The major end time events will occur on during God’s Feast days, not Jewish Feast days. The remnant Jews and messianic Jews who observe God’s Feasts will recognize the times. Christians must get off the heathen/Gregorian calendar and observe what is on God’s calendar. The feasts are basically a dress rehearsal for the return of Jesus the Messiah. Jesus already has fulfilled the spring feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and Pentecost.
Concerning the fall feasts, Jesus will fulfill the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah), Yom Kippur (day of atonement), and the Feast of Tabernacles to the degree He fulfilled the spring feasts.
President Trump is God’s man for the end times. He moved our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which recognizes the apple of God’s eye as the eternal capital of Israel. Israel approved a commemorative Temple coin has the image of President Trump over the image of King Cyrus. The back of the coin has an image of the Temple. King Cyrus is the king who allowed the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem so they could build the Temple that was later destroyed. The Jews have a passion to rebuild the Temple.
Construction of the tribulation Temple will begin before President Trump leaves office and he will play a significant role that paves the way for its rebuilding. Christians who have not been taught about the end times will be caught unprepared mentally, spiritually and physically just like the heathen. Great and terrible times are immediately ahead.