Vision about Bob Jones and Bob Hope

Below is a vision I had about Bob Jones 18 years ago. I was prompted by the Spirit to submit it to the KPS today. It is about the "spirit of hope" and America.

by: Alan Smith

Prophetic Vision of Bob “Hope”
May 17, 2001

As I was visiting Bob Jones the other day I was swept into the Spirit while Bob was sharing with visitors. I saw Bob Jones walking out of a U.S. Air Force plane. The plane had landed on an aircraft carrier. As he walked out of the plane there was a great multitude of service men and women around the plane anticipating what Bob had to say. I looked over the door of the plane and it said “Bob Hope”. I could not read the fine print in the vision. The Spirit said to me that Bob would bring “hope” to the army of God and to those that are in service to our Lord. Bob Jones turned as he was speaking and I saw the side profile of Bob head. His profile looks just like that of Bob Hope. His silhouette looked like that of Bob Hope. I new then that it was truly the Spirit of the Lord. A few days later I started looking for this plane. I put “Bob Hope” in a search engine on the Internet and this is what I found.

Notice the paragraph below in bold print. I believe that it also speaks prophetically about Bob Jones. That he will carry a message of peace, a message of freedom to the household of God and most appropriately, of America’s Hope. Also that Bob Jones words would visit the troops in some of the least enviable locations on the planet.

Spirit of Bob Hope

Comedian Bob Hope, whose 60-year career stretches from vaudeville stages through radio, motion pictures and television stardom, came to MTA Long Beach on April 22 for the formal naming of a C-17 Globemaster III in his honor as "The Spirit of Bob Hope".
"I like the idea of having a plane named after me. I've always been too cheap to have one of my own," said the 93-year-old comedian.
With the newly christened P-31 as a 174-foot backdrop and the Air Force Band of the Golden West playing "Those Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines," the legendary comedian and his wife of 63 years, Dolores, drove past a crowd of several thousand employees and guests, waving and shaking outstretched hands.
Already a recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal, Hope is the first individual to have a Globemaster III named for him. The honor, Secretary of Air Force Sheila Widnall told the audience, comes in appreciation for the many times Hope has entertained American service men and women on station around the world.
"The Spirit of Bob Hope," Dr. Widnall said, "will carry a message of peace, a message of freedom and, most appropriately, of America's Hope." She also noted that the new C-17 Globemaster III will "visit the troops in some of the least enviable locations on the planet."
Speaking before Widnall in paying homage to Hope were McDonnell Douglas President and CEO Harry Stonecipher, MTA Senior Vice President Don Kozlowski and Air Force General Walter Kross, who heads the U.S. Transportation Command.
In talking of the "selfless giving" and sacrifice of the Hope Family in having him away for long periods, Stonecipher said, "I tip my hat to the family of an old trooper who has been one of the best friends that American soldiers, sailors and airmen have ever had." Stonecipher also reflected, "What could be better than to name a great airlifter after a great entertainer who -- going back to World War II and the Berlin Airlift -- has traveled far and wide in bringing the gift of laughter to millions of U.S. GIs around the world?"
Kozlowski, likewise noted, "Not only are we about to deliver another McDonnell Douglas C-17 to the Air Force, but we get to honor a great American patriot at the same time. Just as Bob Hope set the standard in airlift."
Gen. Kross, during his remarks, spoke of his days as a young pilot flying McDonnell Douglas F-4s in Vietnam. There was, he remembered, "electricity in the audience" when Hope arrived at the base in Da Nang to entertain the troops. Kross also joked that "Bob's got more flying time than most of our pilots."
His commitment to entertaining troops began some nine months before America's entry into World War II, when he took his popular NBC radio show to March Field in California. He went on to be a USO mainstay throughout the war, and in 1948, at the time of the Berlin Blockade, he began his Christmas custom of putting on big shows for troops overseas and the wounded in hospitals, which he continued through the Korean conflict in the early 1950s, the Vietnam era and on into Desert Shield at the beginning of the 1990s.
"They say I do so much for the GIs," Hope once told reporters, "but they don't know what it does for me."

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