Victory over a narcissistic culture.

Victory within a narcissistic culture.

written by Michael McBane

There is a pervasive thought pattern among many Christians that collapses in a queer apathetic resignation. It accepts narcissism partially because it has not fully dealt with it among a self assembled purpose. It accommodates a mind set that justifies aspects of life as evolving progress and we can’t reject life, can we? Much of Christianity will not resign to the fact that Jesus Christ is not simply a pass to heaven He is life. He redefines life. They may think that this is so but that does not mean they believe this. He demands that all of life be subject to Him. He offers His life and the inclusive example and reality of who He is, has been and will be to us in grace. But many still do not accept Him and I am speaking here of Christians. They have not allowed their life to be over come by His. And honestly they do not think this to be a problem. 

Where has our importation of the Gospel, the Good News been transgressed? We must see that we have allowed the climate of this worlds human condition and natural condition to rapidly change. We cannot simply resign its decline to what some believe to be the inevitable and final purpose of God. Death and destruction is not God’s purpose or intent. Yes we will see gross darkness on this earth, and the times will no longer hide what was once hidden. But the light will also become brighter, seriously bright. We misunderstand much. Again this is because we have not allowed the life of Christ to over come us. We have treated the grace of a Triune God as a buffet lunch and picked a little here a little there. It is past time to eat the whole of who Christ is.

Many have sought to adapt Jesus to particular political persuasion and placed an idol of hope in tradition and nationalism before God. It can be honorable and responsible to vote and to vote as a man or women who is directed by the wisdom of the Lord. We though have been taken from one kingdom and placed into another. That is forceful in meaning, therefore,  do we consider its true implication? See Colossians. And the Kingdom we have been transferred to, it is not of this world. It is actually Christ. When we wear the inclinations of a nation before the greater purpose of God and His Kingdom we have lost perspective, no matter how we try to historically justify it. This alteration I ask us to reconsider does not exclude us from responsibility in prayer and purpose as God speaks.

This can also be done when we place moralism, before the grace of God. Should we be distraught at the moral decline of the greater culture we live within, yes but we should be more distraught at the decline of morality within our gates. What we have called acceptable is an erosion of faith for it denies our faith. It reveals that there is a great falling away but it also reveals that we have not exposed the grace of God in our faith, as we gather together.

It is apparent that God has purpose for particular nations through history. The United States has served as a light house for nations who have sought refuge. We have been a highway to extend the gospel to the nations. We though have not been a sinless nation. We have transgressed without excuse. We cannot call this a delicate balance for God does not balance sin. He confronts it and takes it away. God’s mercy has been evident and He has allowed us to remain within such transgression because our principals have joined with a certain righteous intent. I do not think that the purpose of our nation has come to an end but we will suffer as the accumulation of our transgression overflows. We will soon not be the nation many of us have known but the impact of this change may be greater then we could consider. The invasion of our hearts and minds will tumble towards a sudden economic decline that challenges the entire structure of our nation. And this may be the beginning of a season of sorrows. Our international influence will be all but over and nations that we once evangelized will come to our streets to speak a gospel without compromise. We will have opportunity to be triumphant in Jesus Christ as the fabric of life is weakened. We carry the life of God in us will we now allow this life to confront us so that it will be known without hindrance in us?

Can we live in victory? Yes within grace as we live in Jesus. But will we resolve to allow the life of Christ to be our reality. Do we want this? Will we consider that these few words that I share below from Paul must be applied to our life? These are our choices. We have been given all that pertains to life and Godliness. 

Let us consider a small portion of the language of Paul and others describing who they were in a culture that had an overt digression towards the same self absorption we experience today. These should speak to us.  

“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were entreating through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20.

“Paul, a bond servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God.” Romans 1. I ask us to consider that we have no lesser of a call.

“I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12: 1,2. Is this not a clear and insightful direction?

“For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself.” Romans 14. Brings a perspective that is often discarded.

“For the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14: 17. Allows a certain soberness concerning lifestyle.

“Now we who are strong ought to bear the weakness of those without strength and not just please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good to his edification.” Romans 15: 1 and 2. A foundational perspective that has been lost.

“Yet we do not speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however not of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away; but we speak God’s wisdom in a mystery.” 1 Corinthians 2: 6. What will we conform to?

“Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.” 1 Corinthians 4: 1 and 2.  They asked to be considered as servants. They asked to be known as stewards of God’s grace or the mystery of Christ. He considered himself as responsible to expand the value of the Christ within believers. For here Paul understood, if this were truly known and believed would create life among the church and extend the Kingdom of God.  To be found trustworthy. That can only come when you know you have found the grace of God has your very own. 

“Be imitators of me, just as I am of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1. What confidence Paul reveals as he shares. Should we not have such confidence?

“For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bondservants.” 2 Corinthians 4: 5. What do we preach, who do we preach, how do we preach?

“For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10.

Is not the fear of man a great destructive force? We misplace the importance of favor. Who then is the author and finisher of our faith?

“But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” James1: 22. Words are easy.

With these scriptures I hope to make a clear distinction that will convict us of anything less then the highest call of God.  

Our inclusion within the indoctrination of this world, as we mimic it is far to toxic. I know that I know we are meant for far greater then we have lived in concerning our RELATIONAL POSSIBILITIES FOUND IN JESUS CHRIST, we have settled for far less then God offers. It is time to reconcile to the full Gospel. 

I have written on how I believe we have lost young adults to hand held phones and other devices, and how that will soon cause a great break down that will leave many barren emotionally, socially incapable or incapacitated logically. They will not be able to function as they have become victims of the psychological impact of media and converting subversive wisdom of technology this is not my conclusion it is held by secular psychologists. The impact of electronic media incapacitates portions of the brain leaving them neutered. Some psychologists believe that the use of electronic media such as games and the overt texting culture is responsible for the increase in certain types of brain disorders.

But the disfunction in many families fosters an emotional disorder that demands that parents lift the child up with no infringement on what they do or who they think they are. The media creates false personas that children actually think they are entitled to be or are. They are enveloped in disorders that create a make believe world that becomes the reality that we are seeing, a violence is erupting suddenly from youth that are void of emotion. They have no idea who they are. They suddenly are confronted with the absence of love and erupt in anger. They have no idea what they are crying out for because they see little evidence of its existence.

Are my examples irrelevant? I do not think so. Hear my heart, I am not saying that we should not use certain electronics, etc. I am saying we lack discretion and discipline. The Lordship of Christ is not on the table. 

We live now in a land attempting to legalize drugs,this is further emotional voiding of humanity. A lethargic detachment will create the inability to be productive in life. Recent studies reveal binge drinking is common especially among females 18 through 40. The reason speculated is I want to forget life.

But a great portion of the Christian culture now drinks as much as those in the world. Addiction within the church community is a hidden acceptance. And few people drink a soda or juice  three, four to eight times a night. But beer consumption like this is overlooked as acceptable. Go to a sporting event, ever see someone enter the stands with three sodas? But beer, two cups in each hand is not uncommon with repeated visits for more.   

What is the greatest tool of our national, international implosion. The media. It is a tool that has value but its ability to infuse a nation over night with ideas that erode is no longer subtle it is in your face. The intent is no longer hidden and those who speak up are considered lunatic fridge. Mainstream, middle America now are those who simply want to live with a certain amount of peace but even they are resigned to know that life is out of control. Yet they resign to the tools that enable the decline that they fear and in resignation they are submerged into a culture that tis imposed upon them. What was not considered impossible, or improbable is now within our homes as marriage is more then compromised. That compromise occurred when the 60’s demanded that its transgression was a natural evolution of man evolving into enlightenment.

We live in a culture that justifies the bad behavior of humanity and the standards of its justification are extreme humanism. We fear what is confronting us so we absolve it of responsibility..

Education which is a godly endeavor has become a great thief as we have aloud the indoctrination of generations to be captured by a deliberate educational convergence into Godlessness. This is in large part because the family order has submitted to greed, as the economics of keeping up demands that work becomes the convertor of time. And because the Christian population has not understood who they were in Christ nor walked in its light they have been in the world and adapted without demanding influence. The voices that so often are heard have little impact because they have been marginalized because of how hatred spews out of the rage they feel as society collapses around them.

Many Christians simply have no idea what they believe, their convergence into Christ has never been defined. They have no community to truly teach the ways of God. We as a church have lacked in our revealing of Christ to those who want to know HIm. We feared offense in large part. But we now are paying a great price.

We have not collectively offered love as we could. We have done so  with grace at times, when disasters have struck, even holidays. But our economic structures in our churches and para church ministries have crippled us rather then enlarged the Kingdom. 

Do we see our self indulgence? Will we accept the damage it has done and repent? We can be a light in a culture that has no perspective. We must know who we serve and then ask Him to define us again.


God is about to come to His people. He is faithful. Let us be ready for the greatest show the earth has ever seen.


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