1 Cor.10 says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to pull down strongholds. One of our greateset weapons is thankfulness. I'm reminded of Uncle Arthur always saying "we go over by going under".It's not by might, but by submission to His will. I feel like if we focus on the eternal plan of God we see that USA is a part of His plan and we can choose to believe in the power of His plan. It's not that we don't have the ability to thwart His plan, we do so often in our individual lives, but we do have the opportunity to join with and agree with Him and together we can see mighty things.
I have recently become aware that I've been lulled into watching the political scene on television and have realized that is entertainment, not action. It's funny how listening to all the talk makes me feel like I've done or accomplished something. I am going to resolve to vote in every local, state and national election with the renewed emphasis of "cleansing the system".
Elected officials work for us! We need to tell them what we want done. If we hire any other service we give them guidelines and parameters for what we want done and what we are willing to give in exchange. We need to list our directives and promise elected officials that we will not re-elect them if our conditions are not met. Balance the budget. Term limits. No earmarks. Develop our resources to eliminate dependancy on foreign oil. Restructure our education system-make learning, the most natural thing second only to breathing, be fun and productive rather than have school attendance be mandatory. Learning is a privilege, let us earn the right to learn, not be compelled to occupy space for a predetermined timeframe. Tax us fairly and simply. The tax code can be so simple that accountants, lawyers, and tax collectors are unnecessary. We must require our elected officials to work for us and to set our government to doing what government is supposed to do and not be doing what it is not designed to do.The answer is positive. We must believe in the power of the simple, positive solutions.
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