The Tabernacle of Moses : Holy Place part IV

The fundamental revelatory Truth from the Holy Place, is simply that of the One True and Holy God; Who desires genuine Holy Communion with us! Amen.

The Holy Place was covered by linen and then animal skins; preventing the entrance of natural light. There are three pieces of furniture within the Holy Place. The Lampstand was positioned on the left as one entered and was the sole source of illumination in the Holy Place. Directly opposite the Lampstand was located the Table of Shewbread, with the Bread and the Wine. Positioned before the veil that separated the Holy place from the Holy of Holies was the Golden Altar of Incense. 

The Candlestick was a Lampstand. Candles provide light through self-consumption. The Lampstand provided Light through a continuously re-supplied with beaten, pure olive oil!

There were seven lamps upon the seven stems of the Lampstand. There was the middle shaft [thigh in the Hebrew] with three branches arising from the shaft on either side. Jesus is the Vine, we are the branches. On His thigh is written the Word of God. The knops, flowers & almonds of the middle shaft and the 3 branches to the left total 39; the exact number of the Books of the Old Testament. The knops, flowers, & almonds on the other three stems total 27; the exact number of the Books of the New Testament. Together we have the 66 Books of the Holy Bible represented.

Briefly, the Candlestick speaks of the Church, in holy union with Christ. Within His body, as the Head of the Church, He has given 5-fold gift ministries who; under the anointing of the 7-fold Spirit of God, are to shine the Light of Truth from the Scriptures. The Light is focused upon the  only other 2  pieces of furniture set by God’s design in the Holy Place: the Table of Shewbread, and  the Golden Altar of Incense.

The focal point of the entirety of Biblical Truth illuminated through the Church within the Holy Place is first; upon the Bread & Wine of the Table, and then, the Golden Altar of Incense before the veil.

As I said earlier, the Tabernacle of Moses is all about the finished work of the Cross of Jesus Christ; as is the Tabernacle of David, and the Temple of Solomon.

The sacrificial Blood of the Lamb is received at the Brazen Altar and then the cleansing, renewing Water of the Word at the Brazen Laver.

Joh 19:34 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.


In the Holy Place, the focus of the Holy Trinity is upon the spiritual realties of Holy Communion. There were golden dishes there the for 2 rows of Shewbread; six loaves each. [One for each tribe in Israel] There were “golden bowls with covers” which contained strong wine for the Drink Offering of outpoured wine.There were 12 golden spoons containing the incense to be burnt at the Golden Altar. [again; one for each tribe in Israel]

Obviously, the Bread & Wine of the Table speak of the Communion of the Body & Blood of Christ. The Bread of the Body also represents the Living Word of God.

 Joh 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.


The Wine of the shed Blood of the New Covenant; also speaks of the Love of God manifested to us by the Life of the Lamb laid down through the death of the Cross.

Lev 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.


Joh 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


Son 1:2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.


The word: Shewbread, has 2 meanings in Hebrew; the Bread of Presence, and the Bread of Faces!

The eating of the Word of God in the Holy Place is revealed to be an element of Face to face communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; while engulfed in His Presence. The drinking in of the New Wine of the Love of the Cross of Christ, is to result in a holy & priestly response of the out-pouring of our hearts love to the Holy Trinity, in true Holy Communion at the Table! This is the heart of God’s purpose for the creation and the redemption of mankind.

This is massive!

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost long for; thirsts for; and hungers for, true Holy Communion [common-union] with the human race!

He has provided the Body and Blood of the Lamb. We eat His Flesh and drink His Blood by faith as we partake of the Bread of His Living Word and the New Wine of His Love.

What does the Godhead desire from us, so intensely?

 He hungers to eat of words spoken from the depth of our hearts.

He thirsts to drink deep of our hearts response of love.

Let us come boldly to the Table of the King and be seated in His Presence and enjoy Face to face Holy Communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

All Truth in the Bible is best viewed from the Light of the Glory of the Cross of Jesus Christ. In the Holy Place, by the Light of the Candlestick, we are beckoned to come to the table of the Lord: in Spirit and Truth, it is the Table of Holy Common-union with the Holy Trinity; forever and only possible as the fruit of the Blood-soaked altar of the Cross of Jesus Christ. As we commune Face to face there in the Feast of the Living Word and Wine of the Love of God, we are ever undone by the Self-sacrificial Love of the Lamb Who was slain and now reigns in Eternity. There, in the embrace of the Faces of God, we are progressively freed from all else and; in the ecstasy of True liberty; are free to become bound to Hymn alone as prisoners of Love. We are free indeed as the Blood-bought bondservants of the King!

The bondservant is the reward of the Lamb! As the Scripture reveals; we love Him because He first loved us. I John 4:19 It is those who come into the Holy Place; apart from the crowds and noise of the Outer Court, who have the invitation to join the Holy Trinity in the Love Feast at the Table of Shewbread. There the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, unfold the eternal depths of His Love.

Wonder of wonders!

In a transitory tent in the midst of a desert wilderness, God has prepared a Holy Place where He awaits true Holy Communion; a Table, where the Trinity feasts with a Blood-bought people upon the mysteries of the finished work of the Cross of Jesus Christ.  

It is here that a people are wondrously transformed from those who are merely free from sin and judgment, to those who are truly free. Free from sin, the world, and the tyranny of their flesh! These are a people willingly, freely, imprisoned by Love; as the bond-servants of Jesus Christ.

[to be cont.]

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