The Journey ..... Written by Cynthia Davis

The Journey by Cynthia Davis

I brought you into a Season of Awareness as preparation for your entrance into a Season of Light.  Before you can move forward there are unfinished areas you need to address.  Awareness of your passions, your desires, the lusts of your heart, the words of your mind, relationships held dear and those held at a distance … you are called by Me to carefully dissect everything you hold dear.  


To see which parts come from Me and which parts come from the world.  If your examination reveals more of The World in your life than more of Me, cut out the things of the World.  You cannot live in The World as My child focusing on what feels good, sounds good, smells good, tastes good, and looks good.  

Let Me show you the sweetness, the pureness of life drenched in My love, My grace, My mercy, My patience, My loving-kindness, My truth.  Saturate your senses with Me.  Saturate your thoughts with Me.  Saturate your parched spirit with My Living Water.  What I give unto you is far above anything The World offers.

  Do you want material things to outline your person-hood or do you want Me?  The question is simple.  Do you want Me?  

Are you willing to open your spirit, mind, and body to my truth?  

Are you willing to release control to Me so I can show you all that you need to see?  

Are you ready and willing and able to complete your work in this Season of Awareness?  

If you are then I can reveal to you the New Song of your life.  

Arrogance, ego, pride, insecurity, cravings of the flesh, and prowling for more of what The World offers over what I freely give, defines your existence in this hour.  These things keep you from hearing Me, seeing, Me, smelling Me, tasting Me, feeling Me … from resting in Me as I desire for you to do.  Your humanness keeps you rooted in place not allowing you to move forward as I desire you to do.  


You have choices to make in this Season.  Choices that impact the destiny call that I alone placed on your life at the moment you were conceived.  Life-changing, life-giving choices stand before you, my Daughter. 

1.  Pearls from the sea or Pearls of Great Price?  Your priorities are placed on things of the world and not on things above.

2.  Clothes in a closet or My clothes of righteousness and peace?  Nothing manmade will ever satisfy your soul.  Righteousness comes directly from Me to my children.  You are my child.  Peace I give to you not as the world gives do I give it to you but, as I give it.  My peace protects and comforts, eases burdens, and releases your bondage.

3.  Shoes lined up and boxed for wearing or feet shod with the Gospel of Peace?  My Word is a lamp unto your feet.  In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God and the Word was God.  I am the Word!

You must read My Word faithfully, humbly, with great longing for the truths it holds, understanding and claiming the promises it contains.  Why?  Because Awareness of Self requires a model for assessment.  My Word gives you the model.  My Sermon on the Mount is a starting point, a powerful tool.  My last sermon in the Upper Room with my beloved friends is a love letter filled with instruction and truth.  My conversations with John in the Book of Revelation cut to the core of priorities, articulates outcomes for disobedience, all these things I explained clearly for the Seven Churches.  

You must immerse your mind and spirit with My Word.

4.  Will you continue speaking condemning sarcasm that first forms in your head and leaves by your tongue, a sarcasm veiled as humor that edifies nothing?  Or, will you seek the Sword of Truth that proceeds directly from My mouth, truth that corrects, instructs, enlightens, teaches, and heals?  I find this part of you, your sarcasm, to be offensive.  It happens daily.  

When you speak condemnation over one of my children or a situation that you find distasteful, you diminish the worth and value of my creation.   Your criticism comes back upon you with great increase, shaken down, packed full, and spilling over so you and those you hold dear are covered in your condemning words.  Do you care?

Look carefully at your life, the hardships you have endured in your physical body, in your mental state, in your family relationships, in your work and see the evidence of an unbridled tongue and immature heart and childish anger.  Look carefully and see the results of your insecure nature and know that these elements have one purpose.  They seek to bring others down to manageable size.  None of this comes from Me.  

Do not rationalize your behavior in tearing down by pointing the finger at others.  Do not make others the cause of your sin.  Rationalizing your thoughts, words, and actions with “They made me do it” is just as sinful and condemning as the words and actions of your heart and mind.  Adam in the garden rationalized his sin telling Me “the woman made me do it”.

You are responsible for you.  No one else drives your emotions and responses, your thoughts and actions.  No one else is responsible for you.  I say to you in this hour grow up.  Grow up.  Until you submit to my correction you will not grow.  Grow in me. 

5.  Are you willing to confess all that you have done and all that you have forgotten you have done from your first breath until present day so I can heal you?  Are you ready to confess?  To say you aren’t sick or diseased or weak is a lie.  The humble heart only happens with repentance.  I am not talking of the prayers you say at bedtime or any time asking for forgiveness.  I need for you to critically reflect on your life.  To present the lusts of your heart and flesh that keep you from giving everything you have to me.  

The humble heart is a repenting heart.  The humble heart is a hearing heart.  The humble heart is a loving and gracious heart.  Humble yourself in my sight so I may lift you higher and higher, so I may bring you into my presence and speak Life into you, fill you with my peace, my love, my grace, my mercy, my loving-kindness that endures.  Humble yourself.  Do not delay, My Daughter.

6.  Are you ready to receive the penetrating Light of my Word?  Do you desire full understanding of this concept?  

My Daughter, I am the Light of the World.  In Me is no darkness at all, in Me is Truth and Righteousness.  Remember this from the moment you wake until you enter into sleep each day.  I am the Light!  I am your light.  My Spirit lives in you as a result of you asking my Son to redeem you.  Stop giving into the darkness of the World!  I am greater in you than your presence in the World!

I stand ready to guide you in this Season, child.  I will direct all your steps, your thoughts, and speech, and actions in this Season of Awareness.  My desire for you is fullness of Life that only I can give.  And, I give it freely.  All you have to do is submit to My Will, not yours, and not the false-will of the Enemy which he imposes on the weak.  

Submit to me.  You say you already have and I tell you that you have not.  Partial submission is no submission.  Are you ready to complete this great work I have placed before you in this Season of Awareness?  

How will you choose this day whom you will serve?  The question is old but, new at the same time for it is being asked directly by Me of you, my redeemed Daughter.

Will you stagnate in this time of discovery I have prepared specifically for you and never enter the Season of Light?  Do you understand even the least bit that I as your Father and My son and The Spirit have prepared this Season for you just as we have composed your New Song?  Do you see the connection between completing the Season of Awareness before you are allowed entrance into the Season of Light?  

Will you seek my face and turn from your foolish ways in the manner Solomon directed My People to do millennia before you entered the world?  “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their foolish ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins, and heal their land.”

Don’t you see, Daughter?  Repentance is the first step to letting Me make you fully aware of all that you are and all that I desire you to be.  Before you can receive and understand My desire for you – the Season of Light – you must become fully aware of all that you are in this hour.

I love you so much that my only Son left His place by My side.  You know the rest of the story.  Therefore, do not delay in abasing yourself before Me.  Only then can you learn how to abound.  Pour out your heart to Me and I will listen.  Cut out the things of this world and breathe Me into yourself as you have never done before.  

  • Pray.  
  • Read My Word.  
  • Ask for divine knowledge and divine understanding.  
  • Ask for an anointing of discernment.  
  • Be bold in carving out all things that keep you from being fully in Me.  
  • Look at your spending and look at your greed.  These two go hand in hand.  Before you buy anything beyond basic necessities ask Me first what to do with the dollars in your hand.  Do you need the restaurant meal?  Do you need more clothes, shoes, jewelry, purses?  Do you need a movie ticket, another book?  You already know the answer.  I want you to enjoy life but greed pulls you away from Me.  Believing it’s a bargain is a lie.  If you do not need the item then it is no bargain.  

Carefully examine your debt.  Forget what the World tells you about debt and tax write-offs.  I direct you in this Season to become debt free.  This is not negotiable.  The instruction you will receive about how to get rid of debt I command you to give to your children as well.  

Very soon I am returning.  Until the trumpet sounds and I part heaven and send my Son on a cloud to claim his bride, you must live within your means as this is a sweet savor unto me.  I require your stewardship of My resources to be excellent.

Bringing this part of your life under my authority and not yours, shows Me that you are submitting your heart and your mind to me.  

  • Look at the people in your life who do not have your best interests at heart.  Select carefully those with whom you give your trust.  List all those you currently call your closest friends and remove three names.  The three you select will be three people that do not want to hear the desires of your heart when you share them.  These three persons I do not want giving you counsel, or offering solace, or agreeing with your opinions.  In time I will give you three more names to place outside your inner group.  You will do so with love and graciousness that I place into you so that no one is offended.  The Spirit of Discernment will tell you who to let out and who to allow in moving forward.  

Hearken to My voice.  Seek My face.  Turn from the trite and trendy.  

  • Examine your need to be noticed, up-front and in-front of others.  This practice makes you loud not in voice but in your presence … your very essence becomes focused on drawing attention to your earthly nature and not to the Holy Spirit living in you.  The vulgar loudness of your human spirit limits you greatly in ministry.  Fulfilling the destiny call on your life requires a decrease in your human nature and an increase in My spirit living inside you.  Now is the hour to hush your human voice so you can hear My voice.  Let people hear you and hear me, see you and see me.  

I love you always.  I love you as you are.  But, as you are is not my desire for you.  Make me your first love, receive all that I have.  Then the anointing of my Word in you will burst forth as new song, as the right song.  

  • Examine childhood insecurities that still influence your thoughts, speech, and actions today.  Old messages from people you trusted and others who only sought to attack and harm are irrelevant now. Pain you suffered still surfaces today and manifests in control issues, anger, insecurities, anxiety, at times distrust and dislike bordering on hate of things or person.  None of this is from Me.  How you presently manage your emotions and responses does not reflect the Holy Spirit indwelling you.

This is a critical area you must give to Me.  All of your baggage must be firmly placed at the foot of the cross and not picked up again.  I have told you this many times.  Why do you not do as I instruct?  Daughter, I can bring you to a higher place once you submit fully.  No person or thing can heal these parts of you.  Give it all to me.  

I see your true Beauty.  I see your desire to love Me with all that you have.  The World does not see your Beauty and never will.  The Enemy continues to whisper “Unworthy” in your ears.  I whisper love, joy, faith, peace, acceptance, grace, and mercy.  You are my Daughter!  You, my beloved, are the Child of the King of Kings!  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad!

  • Be still and know.  Meditate on My word day and night.  Seek My face and listen for My voice.  Look up, child.  My Son will come from above not from the ground.  Look up!  

Intentionally make time for Me in your daily life, not just on ‘church’ days.  That practice offends Me.  Do not come to Me with the heart of Cain.  Come to Me with Abel’s heart.  I have much to tell you!  I want to walk with you in the Garden in the cool of the evening.  Please … be still and know Me.

I’m waiting.  My arms are open.  Let me hold you.  Feel my heartbeat.  Come to me.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  

 Now is the time for you to answer the same question Joshua gave to My People.  “Choose you this day whom you will serve.  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  

I’m waiting.


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