When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod,behold ,there came three wise men from the east to Jerusalem,saying "where is he that is born King of the jew,for we have seen his star in the East and we have come to worship Him.Verse 11-and when they were coming into the house,they saw a young child with Mary her mother,and they fell down and worshiped Him;and when they had opened thier treasures,they presented unto Him gifts,gold,frankincense and myrrh.Being warned by God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country using another route.There are three things that we can learn from the story:FAITH-The journey of the wise men was by faith.They did not know Mary or Joseph or anybody there.They did not know the exact place.Faith in God kept them going.Your faith will take you to your destiny,without faith it's impossible to please God.VISION:-When they saw the star they percirved it was not ordinary.-It carried a special message.-They realized a savior was born.-They got a heavenly vision and followed the star.-Avision will take you to your destiny;God's purpose for your life will be fulfilled to you if only you become a person of vision.BE YOURSELF:-Three types of gifts ,Gold,Frankincense and Myrrh.We as the children of God are the gifts to the body of Christ.Iam a gift after my own kind;You are a gift of your own kind.One is given to the body of Christ as a gold,another as a myrrh and another as a frankincense.We are many members but one body.We have different graces from the Lord.Each and everyone of us is important to God Almighty.