9.14.2021 – Surprised and Amazed by His Ways
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.“—Isaiah 55:8-9
This morning,
I am sitting within an “obvious” and yet, deeper realization,
and I’m soaking it in…
No matter how much I get to know God in this lifetime,
He is always going to
surprise me,
and “blow me away“
by His higher ways. ✨
His thoughts,
His ideas,
His creativity,
His solutions…
And He chooses
to infuse
His thoughts, His heart, His wisdom, His ways…
“the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16)
into and through us,
that His heart,
and His glory
may be seen
and encountered
and known…
here in the earth. 🌎🎊
It just never ceases to amaze me
that He chooses
to do it through us. 💖
And so…
I am realizing,
that I might as well get used to being
surprised and amazed
and blown away
by His incredible, beautiful, and mysterious ways. 🤩
Perhaps I need to be
in anticipation…
ready to be astonished
by the way He chooses
to walk me through the day. 🏃🏻♀️☀️
God, You amaze me.
Help me to be ready
to be
expectantly and pleasantly
by Your solutions,
Your answers
Your creativity
and Your ways.
And God, I know that I’ll always be learning and discovering You…
And I look forward,
from right here where I am,
until all of life everlasting…
…of discovering,
and being amazed
forever and always
by Your Word,
and Your wonderful ways.
“Teach me Your way, O LORD, that I may walk in Your truth. Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name.”—Psalm 86:11
“And many peoples will come and say,
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
That He may teach us concerning His ways
And that we may walk in His paths.”
For the law will go forth from Zion
And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”—Isaiah 2:3
“But God now unveils these profound realities to us by the Spirit. Yes, he has revealed to us his inmost heart and deepest mysteries through the Holy Spirit, who constantly explores all things. 11 After all, who can really see into a person’s heart and know his hidden impulses except for that person’s spirit? So it is with God. His thoughts and secrets are only fully understood by his Spirit, the Spirit of God.
12 For we did not receive the spirit of this world system but the Spirit of God, so that we might come to understand and experience all that grace has lavished upon us. 13 And we articulate these realities with the words imparted to us by the Spirit and not with the words taught by human wisdom. We join together Spirit-revealed truths with Spirit-revealed words. 14 Someone living on an entirely human level rejects the revelations of God’s Spirit, for they make no sense to him. He can’t understand the revelations of the Spirit because they are only discovered by the illumination of the Spirit. 15 Those who live in the Spirit are able to carefully evaluate all things, and they are subject to the scrutiny of no one but God. 16 For
Who has ever intimately known the mind of the Lord Yahweh well enough to become his counselor?
Christ has, and we possess Christ’s perceptions.“—1 Corinthians 2:10-16 TPT
“Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”—Matthew 19:26
Thank You, Lord. 💝 Thank You for leading us by Your Spirit, thank You for taking us on an everlasting journey of learning about Your heart, and Your beautiful ways.
-Heather 🌺