Prayer Encounter


2013-06-18 Prayer Encounter 12:10 pm

My Lord Jesus, My Father humbly I come this hour to seek Your Face and to know You.  Your servant Tim Sheets spoke Sunday about knowing the Father, about saying this or that because this or that is what I heard my Father say...And I do this or that because that is what I saw my Father do.  


Grant me permission to come into Your Presence that I night know You today...Hear what you what you have to say this day.  There are subjects about my life I need Your direction for, yet if You desire to speak about other subjects that is fine.  I just long to know You my Father and God and to walk with Lord Jesus by Your Holy Spirit. 


The Encounter:

The Lord Jesus (Akiane Jesus) came into the room first appearing with both hands on the arm of my chair, leaning down looking into my spiritual eyes.  My natural eyes are closed...I open them to see if there is a manifestation in time.  I cannot see Him physically, however I still am able to see Him there w/me with my eyes open.  I close my eyes to continue.  He says to me "Come, let's go!"   He says this as He mounts a tall white horse.  The next thing I know there's another white horse for me to ride...I'm on it and we ride at a strong gallop through the wall heading east. Nothingness is all around us.  I think "east -- judgment."   I'm not afraid -- I know judgment is a good thing. The Lord Jesus is ahead of me on His horse, He turns His head to look back at me, smiling, and He says "Let's go!"  Come on!"  When we took off at a great speed I looked at my Lord's horse's hoofs and as they touch the spirit realm a flicker of spark of firer like one would see when striking a match came from the hoofs and the spirit touching, and as we moved faster and faster the sparks grew to a flame.   Keeping my eyes upon Jesus I noticed His countenance had changed to a blue-white.  His eyes were a strong solid golden color that seemed to radiate joy to me.


It was as if we passed time and we were moving so fast!  His hair became white as snow.  It was so white yet all the colors were present and in their presences they meshed together and illuminated bright white.  I thought "what do I look like?"  I saw my hands and forearms holding onto the reigns of my white horse.  I too was no longer the same.  My flesh appeared a spiritual (ghostly) white.  In other words the value of depth of the light illuminating from my flesh and gown were not as solid as my Lord's.  As I followed Him it seemed like we did a loop over head in space to go forward, like a roller coaster would do.


After we made the loop in the spirit we now traveled over an un-numeral sea of faces turned upward watching us.  As far as I could see there were faces turned up watching as if waiting for something.  It was then I saw just above us Beings traveling from south to north.  It was as if these Beings were Chariots of Fire and there were huge Bird like Beings traveling with these Beings of Chariots.   As I saw these I instantly thought of their direction of travel being from calamity to deliverance, knowing these Beings were traveling on a mission of God Almighty whom they served. 


After passing over these people we rode into a sphere of white light that was whiter than the light we just passed through and with the light being a sphere I thought, "Are we going into the Father's heart again?", and even though Jesus was way ahead of me He answered my thought question with a "Yes", and I said "to the garden again?"  And this is when I realized we, the Lord Jesus and I, were dismounting our horses, handing the reigns to someone, I don't know who, for my eyes were glue and fixed on the Lord.  It was here I had an inkling of understanding of a spiritual truth the Lord Jesus told me as we dismounted the horses:

As He and I are handing the reigns off to someone, the Lord says to me, "I thought you would enjoy coming here on the manifestation of power that thought travels on here."  I remember smiling with such excitement saying "Yes, I did!  I love horses!"  He replied to me "I know you do."  "I too enjoy riding them, like you."  It was at this point I had a morsel of understanding from the Lord's statement "the manifestation of power that thought travels on" 


My understanding was this:  The Day of the Lord's Rest is a day where all things were, are, and will be…are already completed for the very thought of God the Father has already completed them, yet for the pleasure of eternity in the Day of Rest is to ride, so to speak, those things that were, are and will be out here, in the womb of time which will burn out and refine all the friction that would hinder the thought completion in eternity where God our Father rest in Love and all that would bring friction to the sons attitudes-Love, Joy, and Peace—toward their Father--God.  This all having to do with; The law of God, The Law of Man and The Law of the Land. 


  So…After I, in a flash of a moment, had the understanding of this spiritual truth, we traveled still eastward with nothing but white to my right and steps to my left.  We passed one door slightly opened for the purpose of allowing me to see into.  The Lord Jesus paused in front of this door, so I peered in to see many, many un-numeral golden translucent plains centered around a blinding light throne with un-numeral beings on each plain, worshiping the Lord God Almighty.   I looked back to the Lord Jesus and smiling he said, “This way.”


 "We came to a halt a little further eastward where He smiled and said, You remember this don't you?"  "These steps and the Lions?".   He said it more like a statement, and yes the steps and loins that were before us now were familiar to me from times past when I would pray I would be led by my prayers up golden steps with red carpeting as a runner. The steps and lions on each one and at each end of golden steps to balance each step.  Whenever I would approach these steps I would never look up and see where I was headed; for I was bent low as I would approach the top.    However to my left from eye level with the floor of the top step I would see a "waiting hall" where very regal and majestic beings were waiting for an audience with God Almighty. These beings were unusually tall, and always dressed from head to floor in colorful gowns covered in jewels wearing some kind of head ornament, waiting for an audience with God Almighty.  I never had looked up to God my Father any of those times, but I knew it was His throne of judgments. 


So here I am again, only this time my Lord Jesus has brought me here and the steps are not gold with red carpet but a holy white and so are the lions—holy & white.  The Lord Jesus walks right up the steps.  He goes right up to the Throne to another more solid sphere of Light and sits down as what seems to be a knee and the complete time of His ascent to the Throne, He is holding my hand and having me sit on what would be the other knee.  It was at this point it seemed to me Lord Jesus reached into the heart of the solid white sphere and brought out a gold nugget.  As He held it before me, and my eyes now fixed on it for a moment, my Lord says to me, "I am giving you a golden nugget of My Father's heart... our Father's heart, to place in your heart (and that’s what He did, He put His hand w/the nugget in my heart) for you to nurture and grow in so that you might walk with Me as a lion in the earth; A lion in My Tribe, the Lions of Judah.  To walk with our Father’s heart to rule in the earth in the days ahead with the Golden Rule of Love always before you and in you; For gold is the color of our Father's Love.


The encounter ended here. 1:33pm


Interpretation In a Nut Shell

As I have meditated over this encounter for the past few days, I seem to have been caught up in many spiritual truths of eternity that have been hidden from me until now, but all the while staring me in face out in the open!. 


One of these would be His Grace comes through His Wise Judgments.  After meditating on this experience particularly  when I saw the sea of faces turned up watching the Lord Jesus Christ I realized this would be the Spirits of the Bride throughout the ages from the beginning to today saying, “Come Lord Jesus, Come!”  And seeing above us the beings of Chariots of Fire traveling south to north, as they watched they saw and understood what was getting ready to happen in the earth now, this present day.   

South = calm winds lead to carnality leading to calamity Job 37:14-17 and Acts 27:13

North = deliverance of the Lord Job 37:21-23; also throughout the First Covenant Book God’s deliverance always came from the North


The bird like beings are of two things:

 1) To eat (destroy) the bodies (flesh) of the wicked

 2) To come and find shelter in the Mustard Tree (Matthew 13:32) which will be the “spiritual beings”

      that pair up to minister to/with those heirs of salvation going into martyrdom and/or millennium (Heb. 1:7,14 and



I believe the Lord is revealing to me His judgment is coming in fullness to His Church.  And those who have been preparing for His “Coming-Parousia” (Matt. 24:3, 27), His judgment will be of Grace, Grace that will strengthen them.  And those who are heirs of salvation and in the valley of decision, their eyes, ears and hearts will be open to see, hear, and understand His Coming and purpose. 


Somehow in my understanding, I see these chariots of fire returning back to the Lord God Almighty filled with those one reads about in Revelation 7:14, 15


Regarding the statement in the encounter/vision "the manifestation of power that thought travels on"  which I understood within the encounter, I understand it as a fulfillment principal that applies to all things here in the womb of the earth, which would be application to – Isaiah 55:10, 11, For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

And with that said my understanding from the Lord Jesus’ statement is God the Father sends His word to adorn His eternity.

To complete a nutshell understanding of this encounter, even though my Father and my Lord Jesus Yeshua were imparting to me a golden nugget of the Father’s Heart, I understood this was available to ALL who hear His voice “Today” and obey joyfully and quickly.



Scripture References

Job 37:14-17

14 Hear this, O Job; stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.

15 Do you know how God lays His command upon them and causes the lightning of His [storm] cloud to shine?

16 Do you know how the clouds are balanced [and poised in the heavens], the wonderful works of Him Who is perfect in knowledge?

17 [Or] why your garments are hot when He quiets the earth [in sultry summer] with the [oppressive] south wind?

Acts 27:13

13 So when the south wind blew softly, supposing they were gaining their object, they weighed anchor and sailed along Crete, hugging the coast.

Job 37:21-23

21 And now men cannot look upon the light when it is bright in the skies, when the wind has passed and cleared them.

22 Golden brightness and splendor come out of the north; [if men can scarcely look upon it, how much less upon the] terrible splendor and majesty God has upon Himself!

23 Touching the Almighty, we cannot find Him out; He is excellent in power; and to justice and plenteous righteousness He does no violence [He will disregard no right].


Hebrews 1:7,14

Referring to the angels He says, [God] Who makes His angels winds and His ministering servants flames of fire;

14 Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?

Revelations 20:4-5

4 Then I saw thrones, and sitting on them were those to whom authority to act as judges and to pass sentence was entrusted. Also I saw the souls of those who had been slain with axes [beheaded] for their witnessing to Jesus and [for preaching and testifying] for the Word of God, and who had refused to pay homage to the beast or his statue and had not accepted his mark or permitted it to be stamped on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived again and ruled with Christ (the Messiah) a thousand years.

5 The remainder of the dead were not restored to life again until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection.


Matthew 24:3,27

While He was seated on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately and said, Tell us, when will this take place, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end (the completion, the consummation) of the age?

27 For just as the lightning flashes from the east and shines and [a]is seen as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.


Revelations &:14-15

14 I replied, Sir, you know. And he said to me, These are they who have come out of the great tribulation (persecution), and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

15 For this reason they are [now] before the [very] throne of God and serve Him day and night in His sanctuary (temple); and He Who is sitting upon the throne will protect and spread His tabernacle over and shelter them with His presence.


Hebrews 3:15, 4:1,3

15 Then while it is [still] called Today, if you would hear His voice and when you hear it, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion [in the desert, when the people provoked and irritated and embittered God against them].

4:1 Therefore, while the promise of entering His rest still holds and is offered [today], let us be afraid [to distrust it], lest any of you should think he has come too late and has come short of [reaching] it. 3 For we who have believed (adhered to and trusted in and relied on God) do enter that rest, in accordance with His declaration that those [who did not believe] should not enter when He said, As I swore in My wrath, They shall not enter My rest; and this He said although His works had been completed and prepared and waiting for all who would believe from the foundation of the world.

So then, there is still awaiting a full and complete Sabbath-rest reserved for the [true] people of God;

10 For he who has once entered God’s rest also has ceased from [the weariness and pain] of human labors, just as God rested from those labors peculiarly His own.

11 Let us therefore be zealous and exert ourselves and strive diligently to enter that rest [of God, to know and experience it for ourselves], that no one may fall or perish by the same kind of unbelief and disobedience [into which those in the wilderness fell].

12 For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the [g]breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.






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